
Engineering Fronts 2020(高等教育出版社)

Engineering Fronts 2020

Engineering Fronts 2020

作者:Project Group of Glo




Engineering Fronts 2020 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787040552980
  • 条形码:9787040552980 ; 978-7-04-055298-0
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 版次:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 印刷次数:暂无

Engineering Fronts 2020 内容简介

2017 年以来,中国工程院启动“优选工程前沿”研究。凝炼94 个工程研究前沿和96 个工程开发前沿,并重点解读其中关键的27 个工程研究前沿和27 个工程开发前沿,每年以中英文形式向优选发布年度报告,旨在研判未来科技发展方向,发挥学术引领作用,引导工程科技创新。
优选工程前沿研究以数据分析为基础,以专家研判为依据,遵从定量研究与定性研究相结合、数据挖掘与专家论证相佐证、工程研究前沿与工程开发前沿并重的原则,尤其注重数据与专家的多轮深度交互,综合集成、逐步迭代,凝练出年度优选工程前沿。在数据分析方面,综合利用期刊论文(SCIE 收录)、会议论文和优选数据,获得了每个领域工程前沿遴选的基础素材,供专家参考。在专家研判方面,文献情报专家以及领域专家全程参与数据源的补充、前沿方向的提炼和修订,以及重点前沿的解读。
本报告由两部分组成,部分对研究采用的方法进行说明;第二部分包括机械与运载工程、信息与电子工程、化工冶金与材料工程、能源与矿业工程、土木水利与建筑工程、环境与轻纺工程、农业、医药卫生和工程管理9 个领域报告,对每个领域的工程研究前沿和工程开发前沿进行描述和分析,并对重点前沿进行详细解读。

Engineering Fronts 2020 目录

Part A Methodology
1.Identification of engineering research fronts
1.1 Acquisition and preprocessing of paper data
1.2 Mining of clustered literature topics
1.3 Determination and interpretation of research fronts
2 Identification of engineering development fronts
2.1 Acquisition and preparation of the ThemeScape maps
2.2 Mining of patenttopics
2.3 Determination and interpretation of development fronts
3 Terminologies

Part B Reports in Different Fields
Ⅰ.Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

Ⅱ.Information and Electronic Engineering
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

Ⅲ.Chemical, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations forthree key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

Ⅳ.Energy and Mining Engineering
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 12 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for four key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 12 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for four key engineering development fronts

Ⅴ.Civil, Hyd rauIic, and Architectural Engineering
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

Ⅵ.Environmental and Light Textile Engineering
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 11 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 9 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

Ⅷ.Medicine and Health
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretation for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts

Ⅸ.Engineering Management
1 Engineering research fronts
1.1 Trends in top 10 engineering research fronts
1.2 Interpretations for three key engineering research fronts
2 Engineering development fronts
2.1 Trends in top 10 engineering development fronts
2.2 Interpretations for three key engineering development fronts
Participants of General Plan Group