



英 [ˈkæbi]美 [ˈkæbi]

  • n. 计程车司机;出租马车的车夫

cabby 常用句子

1.“Well you see Sir, I’m a married man,” said the Cabby. “if my wife was here neither of us would ever want to go back to London, I reckon.”


2.‘Having dollars is like a barricade,’ says Arnaldo Morales, a cabby who moonlights as a currency trader, buying dollars from travelers as they enter the country, then selling them to Venezuelans.

莫拉·雷斯(Arnaldo Morales)是该国一名出租车司机,私下倒卖外汇。他从访问委内瑞拉的游客那里买入美元,然后再将美元出售给当地人。他说,持有美元就像是有了堵防护。

3.The cabby gave vent to an angry shout.


4.“Old your noise, everyone,” said the Cabby. “I want to listen to the moosic.”


5.Awkwardness with a cabby was the least of my concerns when a taxi I was in recently started lurching forward at 100 kilometers per hour (62 m. p. h. ), more than triple the road’s speed limit.

近日,我乘坐的一辆出租车超过道路限速两倍有余,开始以上百公里的时速狂奔。 到了这时候,与司机之间是否气氛尴尬几乎不在我担心的事情之列。

6.Oh look! We ‘ve-brought the old horse with us too. And Mr Ketterley. And the Cabby. This is a pretty kettle of fish!


7.You may think the animals were very stupid not to see at once that Uncle Andrew was the same kind of creature as the two children and the Cabby.


8.The Cabby opened his mouth in astonishment, and his wife turned very red.


9.The Cabby gave one glance at the Lion, and took off his bowler hat: no one had yet seen him without it.
