作者:刘荷清 主编
365天英语会话袋着走:职-(附MP3光盘) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787533758882
- 条形码:9787533758882 ; 978-7-5337-5888-2
- 装帧:暂无
- 版次:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:1
365天英语会话袋着走:职-(附MP3光盘) 本书特色
365天英语会话袋着走:职-(附MP3光盘) 内容简介
365天英语会话袋着走:职-(附MP3光盘) 目录
chapter 1 面1 occupatjonai planning职业规划2 choosing jobs选择工作3 employment advertisements招聘广告4 curriculum vitae个人简历5 cover letter求职信函6 interview etiquette面试礼仪7 interview in progress面试之中8 salary and treatment薪资待遇9 after the interview面试之后10 receiving an offer收到聘单 chapter 2 新1 first day at work头天上班2 company business公司业务3 rules and duty规则职责4 office supplies办公用品5 documents and files文件档案6 team spirit团队精神7 assigning tasks分派任务8 business trips and working overtime出差加班9 reporting work汇报工作10 drawing the salary领取薪水 chapter 3 话1 answering and making phones接打电话2 letters and mails信函邮件3 annoucemenf and notice通知公告4 reimbursing expenses报销费用5 bank transactions银行业务6 making reservations预订业务7 being late or absent迟到缺勤8 colleague relationship同事关系9 work pressure工作压力10 private taiks私话密语 chapter 4 会1 department routine meetings部门例会2 executive meeting主管会议3 the glee feast庆功宴会4 making an appointment预约会面5 the reception宴会接待6 the seminar交流大会7 business banquette商务宴会8 birthday party生日派对9 the summing-up meeting总结会议10 the farewell tea party欢送茶会 chapter 5 商1 discussing cooperation商讨合作2 bargaining讨价还价3 confirming qn order确认订单4 means of payment支付方式5 signing the contract签订合同6 negotiating for agency协商代理7 insuring goods货物投保8 packing goods包装货物9 delivering goods货物运送10 claiming compensation货物索赔 chapter 6 跳1 occupational fatigue职业倦怠2 expecting promotion渴望升职3 asking for a raise要求加薪4 office conflict办公室冲突5 expressing disappointment表达失望6 requesting resignation请求辞职7 showing yourself亮出自我8 interviews for experienced warkers再度面试9 new beginning新的开始