
小臂用英语怎么说 小臂的英语翻译

小臂用英语翻译为”  Forearm”,还可以翻译为forearm,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到93个与小臂相关的短语释义和例句。

springboard forearm strike ( 跳板式小臂击 )
never ever say never ever ( 小臂向前看齐 )
1. Underneath the jacket, he wore a faded chambray shirt with the sleeves rolled to reveal his corded forearms.

2. Post Treatment Reinjury Prevention – After Warm up thoroughly and stretch, paying particular attention to the elbow, wrist, and forearm.

3. A belt was cinched at his biceps and a syringe protruded from his forearm.
4. – That’s how you got those masculine forearms.
5. The mother’s burn on her forearm goes all the way down to the tendon.
6. When police arrived, they found the bloody suspect passed out on the front porch with dozens of stab wounds to his lower arms and hands .

7. There are also three smaller arms.
8. A belt was cinched at his biceps and a syringe protruded from his forearm.
9. The only result was that my left forearm was aching with fatigue within a few laps from the effort to simply hold my fingers together.

10. Professor Bobeye, the one with the incredibly strong forearms that are miss-sized for his body.
11. i also pointed out that the real Haskell had a scar on his forearm.
12. – Where? Here. The witness is pointing to the forearm of his right sleeve.