贯通职业英语实训教程-6 版权信息
- ISBN:9787040466898
- 条形码:9787040466898 ; 978-7-04-046689-8
- 装帧:暂无
- 版次:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:暂无
贯通职业英语实训教程-6 内容简介
《贯通职业英语(实训教程6)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》高职模块每册由10个单元组成。每单元内容围绕同一个主题展开,这些主题都与语言应用的实际语境相关。每单元还设计了主题下的生活场景、职业场景,通过听、说、读、写基本技能的训练,提高综合语言运用能力,为你们在今后的生活和工作中使用英语做好准备。教材图文并茂、语言地道、教学活动丰富多样。同时,教材也注重对跨文化交际意识和学习能力的培养。 《贯通职业英语(实训教程6)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》高职模块在体现高职公共英语教学特色、推进高职英语教学改革方面做出了有益的探索。
贯通职业英语实训教程-6 目录
PRE-UNIT Getting Started
Have We Met Before?
UNIT 1 Skills and Abilities
Lesson 1: Exploring Continuing Education
Lesson 2: Identifying Interpersonal Skills
Lesson 3: Taking Telephone Messages
Lesson 4: Setting Goals for Learning New Skills
Lesson 5: Reading: Making Inferences
Lesson 6: Writing: Business Letters
Alternate Application: Family: Parents and Teachers
Alternate Application: Community: At School
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 2 Getting Around
Lesson 1: Describing Transportation Problems
Lesson 2: Understanding Insurance Terms
Lesson 3: Discussing Transportation Issues
Lesson 4: Dealing with Emergencies
Lesson 5: Reading: Identifying the Topic and Main Idea
Lesson 6: Writing: Using Compound Subjects, Verbs and Objects
Alternate Application: Family: Recreational Events
Alternate Application: Work: Directions
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 3 Your Health
Lesson 1: Describing a Health Emergency
Lesson 2: Identifying Health Care Professionals
Lesson 3: Calling the Doctor’s Office
Lesson 4: Interpreting Nutritional Information
Lesson 5: Reading: Using Context Clues
Lesson 6: Writing: Identifying Punctuation Marks
Alternate Application: Family: Feeling Sick
Alternate Application: Community: Emergencies
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 4 Rights and Responsibilities
Lesson 1: Describing an Event
Lesson 2: Identifying Rights and Responsibilities
Lesson 3: Understanding the US Educational System
Lesson 4: Understanding Workers’ Rights
Lesson 5: Reading: Adjusting Your Reading Speed
Lesson 6: Writing: Identifying Your Purpose for Writing
Alternate Application: Family: Tenant Rights
Alternate Application: Community: Voting Rights
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 5 Consumer News and Views
Lesson 1: Interpreting Advertisements
Lesson 2: Understanding Shopping Terms
Lesson 3: Talking to Salespeople
Lesson 4: Using Resources to Find Housing
Lesson 5: Reading: Using a Dictionary
Lesson 6: Writing: Writing a Letter of Complaint
Alternate Application: Community: Consumer Rights
Alternate Application: Community: Consumer Resources
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 6 Rules and Laws
Lesson 1: Describing a Court of Law
Lesson 2: Identifying Infractions and Crimes
Lesson 3: Interpreting Permit and License Requirements
Lesson 4: Participating in Your Community
Lesson 5: Reading: Recognizing Cause and Effect
Lesson 6: Writing: Using a Graphic Organizer
Alternate Application: Community: Rental Agreements
Alternate Application: Work: Worker Protection Laws
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 7 Career Paths
Lesson 1: Solving Problems
Lesson 2: Identifying Job Responsibilities
Lesson 3: Understanding Job Applications
Lesson 4: Exploring Job Benefits
Lesson 5: Reading: Identifying a Sequence of Events
Lesson 6: Writing: Writing a Resume
Alternate Application: Work: Workforce Trends
Alternate Application: Work: Job Reports
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 8 Money Matters
Lesson 1: Budget Planning
Lesson 2: Understanding Financial Terms
Lesson 3: Comparing Banking Services
Lesson 4: Interpreting Pay Stubs
Lesson 5: Reading: Identifying Elements of a Story
Lesson 6: Writing: Using Transition Words and Phrases
Alternate Application: Family: Utilities and Bills
Alternate Application: Community: Government Debt
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 9 Developing Your Career Path
Lesson 1: Reporting a Problem with Workplace Equipment
Lesson 2: Discussing a Work Schedule
Lesson 3: Discussing Your Career Path
Lesson 4: Analyzing Performance Evaluations
Lesson 5: Reading: Highlighting Important Information
Lesson 6: Writing: Creating a Job Advertisement
Alternate Application: Community: Career Quiz
Alternate Application: Family: A Typical Day
Review: Practice Test
UNIT 10 Cultural Diversity
Lesson 1: Comparing International Celebrations
Lesson 2: Discussing Work and Family Balance Around the World
Lesson 3: Understanding Cultural Behavior
Lesson 4: Recognizing Bias and Stereotyping
Lesson 5: Reading: Comparing and Contrasting
Lesson 6: Writing: Communicating by E-mail
Alternate Application: Work: Cultural Differences
Alternate Application: Family: Family Cultures
Review: Practice Test