教材资讯 •
群作用手册-(第I卷) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787040413632
- 条形码:9787040413632 ; 978-7-04-041363-2
- 装帧:暂无
- 版次:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:1
群作用手册-(第I卷) 本书特色
群和群作用是数学研究的重要对象,拥有强大的 力量并且富于美感,这可以通过它广泛出现在诸多不 同的科学领域体现出来。
此多卷本手册由相关领域专家撰写的一系列综述 文章组成,首次系统地展现了群作用及其应用,内容 囊括经典主题的讨论、近来的热点专业问题的论述, 有些文章还涉及相关的历史。季理真、帕帕多普洛斯 、丘成桐编著的《群作用手册(第ⅰ卷)(精)》填补了 数学著作中的一项空白,适合于从初学者到相关领域 专家的各个层次读者阅读。
群作用手册-(第I卷) 目录
part ⅰ geometries and general group actions geometry of singular space shing-tung yau 1 the development of modern geometry that influenced our concept of space 2 geometry of singular spaces 3 geometry for einstein equation and special holonomy group 4 the laplacian and the construction of generalized riemannian geometry in terms of operators 5 differential topology of the operator geometry 6 inner product on tangent spaces and hodge theory 7 gauge groups, convergence of operator manifolds and yang-mills theory 8 generalized manifolds with special holonomy groups 9 maps, subspaces and sigma models 10 noncompact manifolds 11 discrete spaces 12 conclusion 13 appendix references a summary of topics related to group actions lizhen ji 1 introduction 2 different types of groups 3 different types of group actions 4 how do group actions arise 5 spaces which support group actions 6 compact transformation groups 7 noncompact transformation groups 8 quotient spaces of discrete group actions 9 quotient spaces of lie groups and algebraic group actions i0 understanding groups via actions 11 how to make use of symmetry 12 understanding and classifying nonlinear actions of groups 13 applications of finite group actions in combinatorics 14 applications in logic 15 groups and group actions in algebra 16 applications in analysis 17 applications in probability 18 applications in number theory 19 applications in algebraic geometry 20 applications in differential geometry 21 applications in topology 22 group actions and symmetry in physics 23 group actions and symmetry in chemistry 24 symmetry in biology and the medical sciences 25 group actions and symmetry in material science and engineering 26 symmetry in arts and architecture 27 group actions and symmetry in music 28 symmetries in chaos and fractals 29 acknowledgements and references referencespart ⅱ mapping class groups and teichmiiller spaces actions of mapping class groups athanase papadopoulos 1 introduction 2 rigidity and actions of mapping class groups 3 actions on foliations and laminations 4 some perspectives references the mapping class group action on the horofunction compactification of teichmiiller space weixu su 1 introduction 2 background 3 thurston's compactification of teichmiiller space 4 compactification of teichmfiller space by extremal length 5 analogies between the thurston metric and the teichmiiller metric 6 detour cost and busemann points 7 the extended mapping class group as an isometry group 8 on the classification of mapping class actions on thurston's metric 9 some questions references schottky space and teichmiiller disks frank herrlich 1 introduction 2 schottky coverings 3 schottky space 4 schottky and teichmfiller space 5 schottky space as a moduli space 6 teichmiiller disks 7 veech groups 8 horizontal cut systems 9 teichmiiller disks in schottky space references topological characterization of the asymptotically trivial mapping class group ege fujikawa 1 introduction 2 preliminaries 3 discontinuity of the teichmfiller modular group action 4 the intermediate teichmiiller space 5 dynamics of the teichmiiller modular group 6 a fixed point theorem for the asymptotic teichmiiller modular group 7 periodicity of asymptotically teichmiiller modular transformation references the universal teichmiiller space and diffeomorphisms of the circle with hslder continuous derivatives katsuhiko matsuzaki 1 introduction 2 quasisymmetric automorphisms of the circle 3 the universal teichmiiller space 4 quasisymmetric functions on the real line 5 symmetric automorphisms and functions 6 the small subspace 7 diffeomorphisms of the circle with hsld