综合英语教程-5-第三版 版权信息
- ISBN:9787040320008
- 条形码:9787040320008 ; 978-7-04-032000-8
- 装帧:暂无
- 版次:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:1
综合英语教程-5-第三版 本书特色
《综合英语教程 学生用书 (第三版)》编写组于2010年起对本教材进行了全面的修改。作者或编者亲自在课堂中进行试验,此次新版充分反映了实验的结果,修改和剔除了不受学生和教师欢迎、课堂操作困难或过于机械的项目,增加了课堂效果良好,有助于学生在语言和知识两方面发展的任务和内容,并根据课堂实验重新编写了教师用书。 新版教材在教学活动的设计上强调从学生已有知识出发,引导学生去探索未知的知识;强调教材和教师在语言示范方面的共同作用;强调语言的“正面”和“负面”输入;强调语言学习的自主性;增加了大量的任务型和研究型活动。本书为第五册。
综合英语教程-5-第三版 目录
subject 1 growing up and learning unit 1 schools and school life in the us, the uk, and china personal stories about chinese education education in literature: a short story and a poem about a teacher special education: life of adhd students unit 2 understanding different views on education educational liberalism school reforms in the us unit 3 growing into manhood cultural influences on education subject 2 family matters unit 4 happy families family relationships unit 5 understanding different positions on family and family life reading academic articles unit 6 omnigamy why parents worry the characteristics of the good family subject 3 learning literature unit 7 whitman and his poem poems classic and modern poems poems for fun unit 8 understanding different views on the role of literature in our lives elements of short stories reading short stories unit 9 reading the short story practicing plot analysis appreciating a story in an essay subject 4 houses,cities,and culture unit 10 understanding houses in human life appreciating the short story reading neighborhoods and human relationships unit 11 understanding different positions modern american residential architecture critiquing architecture unit 12 new york:a city of things unnoticed describing facts in literary and journalistic genre ayn rand:top of the world in new york