
johannes是什么意思 johannes的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Johannes Merrimack the Third, AKA, Fluffy Joe.
2. as Johannes Kepler called it.
3. if possible Johannes is no nose bear.
4. Johannes told a thing or two about his dad.
5. Did my dad do something to Johannes?
6. My name was Johannes when i was young.
7. This is Johannes Anglicus, a healer with great renown.
8. – “…by Johannes van Hoytl…”
9. Susanna Anna Marie Johannes-
10. (Laughter) Juan? No! Johannes, not Juan.
11. Johannes Anglicus never left your side, Holiness.
12. Maybe Johannes doesn’t need to be cured.
13. – Maria, are you looking after Johannes?
14. Well, the butler is basically saying to Johannes Chimpo…
15. They wanted to ask about Johannes Piiyhiinen.