涉外护理英语教程6-(教师用书) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787040229233
- 条形码:9787040229233 ; 978-7-04-022923-3
- 装帧:暂无
- 版次:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:1
涉外护理英语教程6-(教师用书) 节选
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Vocabularu Exercises
I . Fill in the blanks with the words given, changing forms where necessary.
1. rear 2. confer 3. assess 4. wrangling
5. bewildered 6. quoted 7. witness 8. established
Ⅱ. Complete the sentences, putting the Chinese in the brackets into English.
1. a place they would rather visit than inhabit
2. save up for the rainy day
3. There is nothing like a long hot bath
4. spill the beans
5. it is we who tell them so
Ⅲ Get familiar with some common phrasal verbs.
1. to control something and prevent it from increasing
2. to control somebody strictly, oppress somebody
3. to be able not to vomit something after eating or drinking it
4. to not tell somebody something you know
5. to delay progress
6. to hold back
Ⅳ Complete each sentence with the word that seems most suitable.
1. complained 2. protested 3. evasion
4. prudence 5. scholarship 6. allowance
Grammar and Structure
Study the paragraph.
Read the following paragraph carefully, and answer the questions.
1. The author begins by asking a question he wants to discuss; it’s an effective way to
arouse readers’ interest and focus their attention on what is coming.
2. The author means that discussing money, especially openly, may hurt people’s
feelings by causing embarrassment or affecting self-esteem; for example, children
may brag about how much their parents make, thus starting arguments among
3. Soon they would find themselves struggling with a world of evaluations they would
understand no better than we. The riddle of comparable worth would be as
incomprehensible to them as it is to us, but at least we’ve had years to get used to
the mystery.
4. At least adults have had years to get used to things like that.
5. The usual reason why parents refuse to discuss money matter with their children.
Ⅱ Reconstruct the sentences, following the models given.
1. Were you to make a living as a salesperson, you would never really settle down.
2. Were I to win a million dollars in a lottery, I would donate half of it to local
3. While she is a likeable person, she can be extremely difficult to work with.
4. While I agree with you, your way of handling the matter is not the best.
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Review and Practice
I. Explain the underlined parts in your own words.
1. asking more money for their allowance
2. (you) can’t buy much with (a particular amount of money)
3. without regard to grades; no matter whether grades are good or not
4. is like…; is similar to
5. bargaining over(discussing, talking about) how much children get at the beginning
1I. Translate the following into Chinese, paying attention to the italicized parts.
Ⅲ. Translate the following into English.
1. Grades should not be equated with abilities, neither should certificates be confused
with practical skills.
2. Giving money as a reward may be convenient, but it’s not necessarily healthy for
3. If you pay your child for doing well at school/academically, he may come to expect
a reward for every accomplishment he makes.
4. This movie can be enjoyed by anyone, irrespective of age.
IV. Common Expressions Money
1. throwing his money around
2. got your money’s worth
3. in the money
4. have money to burn
1. Money is powerful, and people who have money can get what they want.
2. Money has to be earned, and so should not be wasted.
3. I’m completely sure of that.
4. I’m not rich.
Word-Building Tips
1. I get four weeks’ holiday allowance. (amount of something that is allowed)
2. The company gives me a travel allowance. (amount of money received regularly)
3. He was punished for tax avoidance. (the act of avoiding tax)
4. Avoidance of danger is essential in such situations. (the act of avoiding danger)