综合英语教程第二版 版权信息
- ISBN:9787040212846
- 条形码:9787040212846 ; 978-7-04-021284-6
- 装帧:暂无
- 版次:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:暂无
综合英语教程第二版 本书特色
综合英语教程第二版 内容简介
本书是专门为我国高等院校英语专业高年级语言综合训练课编写的教材,编写理念是鼓励学生将语言学习与学科知识、人文知识和文化知识的学习结合起来,提高学生处理学术语言和书面语言的能力。 该教材的版于2002年出版,4年中全国有近两百所院校的学生将其作为三、四年级综合语言课的教材,编者所执教的学校也进行了三轮试验,这些试验为第二版修订打下了良好的基础。修订后的教材仍然保留了版的基本材料和练习内容,同时改正了版中的错误,增加了训练内容,补充了大量的文化和语言注释,添加了词语学习板块,编者希望通过这些改动增添学生的学习兴趣、提高他们的学习效果。 本书作为学生英语学习参考用书。
综合英语教程第二版 目录
subject 1 family matters
unit one
listening and speaking activities
interview 1 a happy family
interview 2 relationship
passage a a thankful woman and mother
passage b the american parents
unit two
understanding different positions
views for discussion
passage a defining the family
passage b critiquing the american family
unit three
reading for research
a different stance
research project
in search of“the good family”
subject 2 dressing the part:fashion and popular culture
unit four
listening and speaking activities
listening 1 my favorite oscar dresses
listening 2 mr ties and his prepster stripes
passage a the five most stylish geniuses of all time
passage b dress for job
unit five
passage a views for discussion
passage b barbie dolls and us fashion culture
unit six
reading for research
clothes and popular culture
research project
in search of “the traditional clothes”
subject 3 american residential architecture
unit seven
listening and speaking activities
house show
what do you do if you want to build a house?
unit eight
understanding different positions
american houses,present
passage a a house of ideals and realities
passage b birds of a feather flock together
passage c settings and technologies
passage d tradition in novelty
unit nine
reading for research
passage a a gallery of the early american houses
passage b critiquing architecture
research project
create your magazine
subject 4 science and technology
unit ten
listening and speaking activities
listening 1 opportunities and challenges of the internet
listening 2 nanotechnology?
information exchange
unit eleven
passage a more on nanotechnology
passage b biotechnology
unit twelve
reading for research
science vs.pseudo-science
research project
create your magazine