实用英语泛读教程.1 版权信息
- ISBN:7040152088
- 条形码:9787040152081 ; 978-7-04-015208-1
- 装帧:简裝本
- 版次:第3版
- 册数:第1册
- 重量:暂无
- 印刷次数:暂无
实用英语泛读教程.1 本书特色
实用英语泛读教程.1 内容简介
实用英语泛读教程.1 目录
1 Passage A:The Successful Language Learner Passage B:For Your Information Speed Reading)Passage C:Color 2 Passage A:Bring the Past to Life Passage B:Rent Control (Speed Reading) Passage C:The Population of the United States3 Passage A:The Problems of International TradePassage B:Your Money (Speed Reading) Passage C:My Bank Account 4 Passage A:Being on Time Passage B:Polite or Rude (Speed Reading)Passage C:Parties 5 Passage A:Gesture Passage B:Where is the Beef? (Speed Reading)Passage C:Best Teacher I Ever Had6 Passage A:Equality of Opportunity and CompetitionPassage B:How to Shine at an Interview (Speed Reading)Passage C:”Where There’s a Will, There is a Way”7 Passage A:Children Often Do Humorous ThingsPassage B:Long-term Memory(Speed Reading)Passage C:Steps to the Future 8 Passage A:How Unsafe is it? Passage B:A Working Relationship(Speed Reading)Passage C:A Special Physical Examination Glossary Key to the Exercises