



一、 课程性质与设置目的要求
《经贸英语》教材共分4个单元,由18个章节组成。各个单元之间既相对独立又互相关联。Unit 1: International Business; Unit 2.: Export Products; Unit 3: Export Business; Unit 4: Trade Policies.是一门英语语言实践能力要求比较强的一门课程。在自学考试命题中要充分体现该课程的性质与特点。
最终,通过学习有关商务活动的真实语言材料,使学生获得一定的 听、读、说、写、译的能力,能够在不同的商务活动中正确使用英语。达到国际贸易专业专科毕业水平,成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外贸易工作者。

学习目的和要求:能够通顺的理解每个单元章节的的外贸英语的课文内容。 能够正确使用课文中的常用的词汇并能掌握课文中出现的外经贸术语。
Unit 1
Chapter 1
New Words
play a role in sth; end up; involved sb. in doing sth.; be/get involved in; apply to; specialize in; engage in; have advantage over; in terms of; give rise to; in relation to; refer to; available; exchange; approach;
Special Terms
Know-how; absolute advantage; comparative advantage; natural resources; multinational corporation; managerial skill; surplus; business activities; subsidiary; transnational corporation
Chapter 2
New Words 
vary; to some extent; seek for; deal with sb/ sth; get/be used to sth; adapt…to; impose… on; be short of sth; put high taxes/duties on sth; promising; restriction; outlook; prospect; ignore; appreciate; penetrate;
manufacture; predict; affect; locate; distinct; predict;
Special Terms
import restrictions; export research; promising customer; commercial language;
Chapter 3
New Words
prior to; take sth. into account; carry out; in the interest of /in one’s interest; concentrate on; in terms of; narrow down; break down; deal with; go after; make certain; at the start; stay away; insufficient; investigation; complicated; objective; appropriate; potential; undertake; justify; yield; scarce; survey; handle; profitable; eliminate; repay; discard; levy;
Special Terms
needs and wants; market entry; target market; market research; desk research; field research; market selection; marketing research;
Unit 2
Chapter 4
New Words
decide on; bring out catch on; place orders; fall off; sell off; try out; mop up; level off; set in; strategy; modify distinction; definite; maturity; domestic; vary; considerable; stock; imitate; cease; launch; evaluation; pilot; outlook; promotional; withdraw; decline; inevitable; replace; estimate; abandon; publicity; out-of-date; saturated; demand
Special Terms
product life cycle; promotional strategy; pilot model; target customer; test marketing;
Chapter 5
New Words
Be satisfied with sb/sth; be prepare to do sth.; bring to (under) one’s notice; mistake for; by mistake; be willing to do; enterprise; effective; presentation; ensure; adapt; preference; commodity; fierce; process; reliable; identify; differentiate;
Special Terms
product adaptation; product presentation; raw materials; consumer goods; band image;
Chapter 6
New Words
throw away; on impulse; be consistent with; attach to; care for; as a result; involve; relate; numerous; retail; commercial; dispense; specific; feature; comply with; reveal; ingredient; origin; validity; prefer…to; constitute; regulate
Special Terms
shipping package; export labeling; friendly packaging; home market; domestic market; overseas market;
black market; active market; after market; auction market; bear market; Common Market; bond market; bond issuing market; booming market; break in the market; bring to market; bull the market; corner the market; play the market; price out of the market; put on the market; raid the market; side effect;
Unit 3
Chapter 7
to make a choice; to make a decision; to take a keen interest in; in terms of ; drain away; in the long run; extension; domain; significant; conclude; outlay; revenue; sustain; generate; alternative; diversify; spread; stimulate; dynamic;
Special Terms
labor-intensive; trader’s domain; the standard of living; per capita income;
Chapter 8
deal; inquiry; quote; offer; fulfill ;finance; solvent; conduce; defaulter; apart from; agree on; make out; in advance of ; bear in mind; charge; go through procedure;
Special Terms
inquiry; mode of transport; terms of delivery; terms of payment; make an offer; credit-worthy; cash in advance; letter of credit;
Chapter 9
New Words
produce; encompass; variable; channel transport; intermediary; specific; economically prospective; applicable; tremendous; be conscious of; take account of sth./take…into account; for the sake of; count; other than; advantage; disadvantage;
Special Terms
customer satisfaction; physical distribution; end user; marketing channel; marketing mix; export communications target market; target consumer; sales channel; sales literature; price list purchasing power; mass media; target audience; sales-oriented;
Chapter 10
New Words
be concerned with; practice; acquire; indicate; reject ;withdraw; profitability; negotiate; relate to; accurate; regardless of; on top of; as for; in advance;
Special Terms
market share; fixed cost; variable cost; annual budgets sales volume; competitive prices; domestic price an extra allowance;
Chapter 11
New Words
Bind; obligation ;mutual; contractual ;provisions; sophisticated; prospective; enforceable; transaction; underestimate; refer to; resolution; dispute; file; subsequently; owing to; claim; deteriorate ambiguity; conflict; be binding upon; to view …as; appropriate to (for); convert …into;
Special Terms
quote a for your product; business process; to bind the contracting parties; exchange promises; contractual terms; legal obligation;
Chapter 12
New Words
draft; commitment; specify; advantageous; assure ;unconditional; address; remit; dispatch; forward; relevant; present; dishonor; thorough; bearer; drawer; drawee; payee; title; hand (sth) over to sb. get hold of sth.; have a role in sth.; act on; make out; on sight; draw a draft on sb.; accept a time draft;
Special Terms
bill of lading; financial strength; documents against acceptance; documents against payment; collecting bank ; remitting bank; shipping documents; time draft; sight draft; letter of credit; bill of exchange; documentary collection;
Chapter 13
New Words
illegal; apart ; establish; reluctant; solve; intervention; stipulate; engagement; conform; beneficiary; honor; submit; debit; facilitate expertise; bilateral; collect; beyond one’s control; part with; conform to; set forth; on behalf of; make use of; present; conclude a contract; to open a letter of credit;
Special Terms
documentary credit; cash payment; credit worthiness; issuing bank; credit standing financial institution; commercial transaction; open account;
Chapter 14
New Words
economical; tie up; cover; insurance; carriage commodity; wholesaler; renewal; reliability; efficient; convenience; vary; employ; superior obstacle; premium; reputable; base on; specialize in; isolation;
Special Terms
transport costs; selling price; renewal cost; mode of transport; insurance premium; carrying capacity; in transit; marine insurance; ocean freight;
Unit 4
Chapter 15
New Words
zone; assemble; otherwise; locate; term; elimination; tariff; barrier; establishment; treaty; external; association; consist; collect; subject supervision; defer; ease; instead of; refer to; provide for; come into effect; consist of; be subject to; levy; union;
Special Terms
Free trade zone; customs union; European Union European Economic Community; free trade area;
Chapter 16
New Words
extra; revenue ;alternative; compound; calculate destination; measurement; prescribe; apply; plus ; inflation; monetary; impose; compensatory; discourage; provide; depend on; either…or; free from; in accordance with; keep up with; impose…on; origin;
Special Terms
tariff barrier; ad valorem duty; specific duty; alternative duty; compound duty; the port of destination; the country of origin; local currency; inflation; compensatory duty; manufactured goods;
Chapter 17
New Words
quota; institute; exchange; balance restrict; means; quantitative; restriction; fill; issue; unilateral; negotiate; bilateral; multilateral; classify; luxury; secure; permit; ration; emergency; measure; abolish; standard; inexplicable; deliberate; documentation; marking; inspect boycott exclude; by means of; take the form of;
permit sb. to do sth.; in line; hold up; as required; in one way or another; exclude …from…;
Special Terms
balance of payments; import quotas; unilateral quotas; negotiated bilateral quotas; negotiated multilateral quotas; tariff quotas; voluntary export quota; rate of exchange; gold standard; import licenses; quantitative restrictions; demand for; technical barriers; domestic market; non-tariff barriers;
Chapter 18
New Words
Exceptional; merchandise; unprecedented; round; antidumping; abide by; revision; principal; dispute; review; run to; commitment; schedule; non-discriminatory; obligation; implement; administer; forum; consensus; predecessor; ratify; delegation; in the wake of; on average; abide by; spell out; account for; prosperous;
Special Terms
World Trade Organization; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; trade negotiation; non-tariff measures; Uruguay Round; intellectual property; customs duty; trade dispute; anti-dumping;

Part One. Put the Chinese terms into English: (每个2分共10分)
1. 承兑交单
Part Two. Choose the answer that best completes each of the following sentences:(每个1分共20分)
2. The charter gives the corporation certain privileges, _____ the right to buy and sell property.
A. included B. include C. including D. includes
3. In April, the EC imposed a ban on livestock, meat and dairy products from 18 eastern countries following an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in Croatia.
A. levied a high tariff B. shut out imports
C. adopted quota systems D. limited the import volume
Part Three. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the words or phrases in the given below and make changes if necessary:( 每个1分共10分)
complex (n) accurately determine
4. The training school located in a _____ of cities and suburbs.
5. The missile _____ hit its target with a high degree of precision.
6. The management committee _____ departmental policy.
Part Five. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(每个4分共20分
7. The price system helps us to make these allocation decisions.
Part Six. Translate the following sentences into English (每个5分共30分)
8. 这些价格和以前的成本有关联。
Part Seven. Reading comprehension. (每个2分共10分)
The two basic components that affect product pricing are costs of manufacture and competition in selling. It is unprofitable to sell a product below the manufacturer’s production costs and unfeasible to sell it at a price higher than that at which comparable merchandise is being offered. Other variables also affect pricing company policy may require a minimum profit on new product lines or a specified return on investments, or discounts may be offered on purchases in quantity.
9. The two basic components that affect product pricing are____.
A. the cost of manufacture and that of competition in selling
B. the costs of manufacture and those of competition in selling
C. the costs of manufacture and the status of competition in selling
D. the manufacturer’s production costs an those of the buyers