


课后习题参考答案 Text A

I . 1. B 2. A 3.D 4.A 5.C II . Section A

l. Consistent 2. Statement 3. Reflect 4. Invalid 5. Considerably 6 comparison

Section B

1 . Credible 2. Identify 3. Assumptions 4. Represents 5 evaluated 6. Approriate

Section C

1. to 2.forth 3.into 4.for 5.with 6.to

Ⅲ.1. define 2.action 3.tears 4. good 5.express 6.powerful 7. internally 8.shape 9.responds to 10. personal

Ⅳ.Section A 1. take interests of different social groups into account

2. Compare the recent work with the previous work

3. was not consistent with his statement to the police

4. was not relevant to the matter being dealt with

5. Please inform us of any change in vour case .-.

Section B




的内涵。这种方法常常需要反复阅读,充分理解。有时候大声朗读也会增进对文章的理解。 V.5 2 1 6 3 4



这种观点你是否同意?请给出理由,并举例证明。 Text B

I . Section A

1.Y 2.N 3.Y 4. N 5.Y 6.NG

Section B

1. Mastering our language 2. our quality of life 3 . Determination 4. power

5. live whatever life we desire 6. some alternatives

II . Section A

1 . confidence 2 . Creative 3. Eliminate 4 . dramatically 5 . Significant 6. limit

Section B

1 . matter 2 . commonly 3. Pleased 4. infinite 5 . Commands 6. quality

Section C

l. out 2. up 3. on 4. to 5. in 6. over

III . Section A

1. have a noticeable impact on the country’s future

2. but it really matters to me

3. but the police were in control of it soon

4. I have no alternative but to let you go

5. It’s up to the manager to make the final decision

Section B







Ⅳ.Section A 1. When dipping in mustard, Sam said the sausage was excellent.

2. A Frenchman murdered two wives whose cooking he didn’t like

3. Annie’s dress was old, faded and wrinkled.

4. The need for jobs will make us develop our industries, which causes envirnmental problems.

5. My new running shoes which cost more than a hundred dollars fell apart during the marathon.

Section B

l. Mr. Randolph was born in Florida.

2. The march featured the Reverend Martin Luther King’s unforgettable \”I Have a Dream\” speech.


课后习题参考答案 Text A

I .1. D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B

II . Section A

l . Effectively 2. Response 3. Discover 4. Occur 5. Rare 6. scientific

Section B

1. Remove 2. Eventually 3 . Opportunity 4. Renowned 5 . interviewed 6. Remarked Section C

1. to 2. so 3. to 4. On 5. in 6. for

III 1. Fear 2. Under 3. Unavoidable 4. Success 5.without 6. Reach 7. Between 8.so that 9. as long as 10. wisely

Ⅳ.Section A 1. actively respond to the president’s request

2. his accent set him apart from others

3.I have rarely seen such a beautiful sunset

4. restore people’s confidence in the national eoon omy

5. she remarked on the progress of the boy

Section B







V.2 1 4 3 6 5



例证明你的观点。 Text B I . Section A

1.N 2.N 3. Y 4.Y 5. NG 6.Y

Section B

1. Messy 2. her anniversary gift 3. the mess in the kitchen 4. what to say 5. long-term significance

6 not just teaching lessons, they are teaching children

II . Section A

1. Slightly 2. Troublesome 3. Occasional 4. Inspection 5. Responsbile 6. disaster

Section B

1 . Presented 2. Frustration 3. Awfully 4. Deserves 5 . Issues 6. glance

Section C

1. from 2.out 3.with 4.off 5.up 6.of

Ⅲ.Section A 1. She glanced at/round the room 2. gesturing to me to follow him 3. Once the paper is positioned correctly

4. speak out its views on political issues

5. It’s vital to send the medical supplies to this area

Section B







Ⅳ.Section A

1. Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as agreat scientist.

2. One reason why Roger likes rabbits is that he not only plays with but also hunts them.

3. The children gazed at the monkeys hanging by their tails from the branches. 4.Last night I had my first taste of sake,a Japanese beverage made from rice.

5. John Wayne, who appeared in over 200 movies, was the biggest box-office attraction of his time.

Section B

Finding a reliable used car at an affordable price requires both planning and persistence.


课后习题参考答案 Text A

I.1.A 2.A 3. B 4.A 5.B

II . Section A

1. recognition 2. Reflection 3. Undisputed 4. loyalty 5. Essential 6. assurance

Section B

1 . sought 2. Requested 3. Challenges 4. mutual 5 . Virtue 6. generation

Section C

1. of 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. through 6. In

Ⅲ. 1. While 2. Wisely 3.On 4 . opposites 5 . Personalities 6.That 7. Whatever 8.unique 9. a couple of 10. share

IV. Section A

1. continued to engage in criminal activities

2. exploit natural resources

3. must request approval

4. had betrayed her parents’ trust

5. lead to serious results







诚实和奉献——就无法结交真正的朋友。 V. 3 2 6 4 5 1



的朋友吗?请陈述理由,举例证明你的观点。 Text B

I . Section A

I.Y 2.Y 3.N 4.NG 5.N 6.Y

Section B

1 . Ungrateful 2. their faith 3. Sacrificed 4. prosperity and in poverty 5. a pnnce 6. accompany him

II . Section A

1. Pursuit 2. Faithful 3. Ungrateful 4. Fiercely 5. Prosperity 6. reputation

Section B

l. Privileges 2. Prone 3. Poverty 4. Alert 5. Scene 6. deserted

Section C

1. by 2.to 3.against 4.to 5.to 6.down

Ⅲ.Section A 1. home is the best place to lick your wounds

2. If only I had time to review my lessons

3. be alert to risks of tourism

4. enjoy some privileges

5. will be the first encounter between Party leaders

Section B



帮助你成为一个更好的人……,而最重要的是,爱你! IV. Section A

1. He spread a rumor that the president was going to resign, leading to a great confusion in that country.

2. If left alone on a desert island, what would you do first?

3. Do you still remember those days we spent in Hong Kong last year?

4. All their belongings, together with the remains of tom-up newspapers, lie scattered over the carpet.

5. It seems that more and more of my friends are faced with great challenges in their lives.

Section B

1. Her brother usually babysits her in his spare time

2. Her father likes to take photos when she smiles.


课后习题参考答案 Text A

I . 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B

II . Section A

1. Dealers 2. Complain 3. Rarely 4. Blessing 5. Contribute 6. illegal

Section B

l. Committed 2. Subsistence 3 . Immigrants 4. Unrest 5. Quit 6. victim

Section C

1. about 2. of 3. to 4. in 5. in 6. again

Ⅲ. 1.check out 2. Improve 3. Stressed 4. Arrive 5. clearing away 6. Priority 7. Weight 8. Routine 9. Different 10. route IV. Section A

1. she is looking forward to seeing you

2. If you always complain about being short of time for work

3. will contribute to the development of the suburbs

4. reminds her of her miserable childhood

5. we were prepared for the worst

Section B






的地方。心怀感激的时候,你在工作上会更加乐观,心情也更加愉快。 V. 3 1 2 5 4



Text B

I . Section A

l.Y 2.NG 3.N 4.N 5. NG 6.N

Section B

1. challenge and reward

2. passion

3. the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics

4. your financial houndaries

5. sound advice and criticism

6. the planning and start-up process

II . Section A

1 . Exhaustive 2. Survival 3 . Various 4. Motivation 5. Profession 6. competitive

Section B

1. Sound 2. exceeds 3. Prioritize 4. unique 5 . Routine 6.pattems Section C

1. in 2. from 3. for 4. out 5. for 6. in

Ⅲ. Section A 1. Those who feel privileged to work with him

2. we need to arrange security guards in place

3. we can c:ompletely assume that he is not in the city

4. it may be impossible for the refugees to survive the winter

5. for those who exceed the speed limit

Section B





IV. Section A

1. Anybody would feel the same way if you had a teacher like me.

2.I read an interesting story about sportsmen in a magazine.

3. The climate in the coastal cities is much warmer than that in the interior ones.

4. When we ran down the hill, the farmhouse came into view.

5. To get ready for the trip, he put all the things needed into a suitcase.

Section B

A first date can end up being categorized as a successful, a clingy, a boastful or an awkward one.

Self-Assessment I

第一部分:阅读判断题 I.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.A

第二部分:阅读选择 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A

第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 16.E 17.A 18.F 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.E 23.D 24.C 25.A

第四部分:填句补文 26.F 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B


3I.H 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.K 36.L 37.F 38.E 39.J 40.B

第六部分:完形补文 41. encourage 42. Careful 43.particularly 44. implications 45. Trained 46.impression 47. communications 48.

Respectful 49.designer 50. logical


Unit 5

Text A

I .1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C II . Section A

l. Wisdom 2. Deliberately 3. Anxiety 4. Belief 5.uncomfortable 6. equivalent

Section B

1. Distinguished 2. Instructions 3. Equal 4. Conflicts 5. Guilty 6. anxious

Section C

I . of 2. About 3. of 4. between 5. forth 6.as

Ⅲ. 1 . Satisfy 2. than 3. focus on 4. the middle 5. sense 6. But 7. challenged 8. inner 9. Fit 10. thinking of

IV. Section A

1. has called forth the great anger of the loCal people

2.A series of accidents

3.bec:ause of the rain 4. is a gifted mu’sician as well as a photographer

5. distinguish between reality andiction

Section B



你必须懂得这个道理,在生活中努力保持平衡。 V.2 1 3 5 4 6




Text B

I . Section A

1. Y 2. N 3. N 4. Y 5. Y 6. Y

Section B

1. health issues 2. a resource of hope or a good ( or bad) example of what to do in life

3. useless or uncaring 4. Unreceptive 5. failed mamage 6. giving up

II . Section A

1.imagination 2 . threaten 3 . Recover 4. inspire 5. valuable 6. quoting

Section B

1 . desperate 2. challenge 3 . Cheerful 4. valuable 5. contact 6. inspiring

Section C

1. on 2. with 3. Out 4. over 5. back 6. about

III. Section A

l. on her feet 2. has brought about great changes3. walked out on her

4. should have fought back 5. fell into desperation

Section B





IV. Section A

l. Larry picked up a hitchhiker who was traveling around the world.

2. Jack was listening to the stereo and L,inrla wasreading in bed when the power line snapped.

3. When I returned to school after a.long illness, the math teacher gave me makeup work while the history teacher made me

drop her course.

4.Jane wanted to attend the event, but she had to work a double shift because several of her coworkers called in sick.

5. I think the reason why my car fails to start is that the battery needs to be replaced instead of charging since I ‘already had

it recharged once.

Section B

3 2 1 5 4 6 8 7


课后习题参考答案 Text A I . 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B

II . Section A

1 . Differentiate 2. Indulgent 3. Resistance 4. Responsibility 5. Formation 6. unnecessary

Section B

1 . Constraint 2. Budget 3. Principle 4. scheme 5. Monthly 6. Temptation

Section C

1.To 2. in 3. on 4. In 5. within 6. In

III.. 1 . Basic 2. Invest 3. Direct 4. Ideally 5. Called 6. wasteful 7. where

8. Now that 9. Accumulated 10. grow

IV. Section A

1. arrived at/reached/drew the conclusions on the basis of experiments

2. she has never been indulged in alcohol

3. is not responsible for his behaviors

4. my teaching experience stands me in good stead

5. have resulted in head injuries

Section B




V.6 5 2 1 4 3

Ⅵ.目前,许多城市长大的孩子手里的零花钱太多了,都被宠坏了。然而,家长们并不认为孩子们花钱太多会影响到孩子人格的发展。你对零花钱的管理有什么看法吗?能否就如何教孩子明智地理财给一些建议呢? Text B I . Section A

1.Y 2. Y 3. NC 4.N 5. Y 6. Y

Section B

1.dreamt of 2. the opposite 3.traits 4. a giving attitude 5. joyful 6. a healthier view

II . Section A

1. Abundance 2. Favorite 3. Scared 4. Donation 5. Originally 6. economic

Section B

1. Available 2. Abundant 3. Stimulated 4. Charity 5. Universe 6. readily

Section C

1. of 2.as 3.between 4.down 5.up 6.in

Ⅲ.Section A 1. as long as the new information is available

2. to open up a new world in front of me 。 3. to stimulate economic growth

4. had donated more than $100,000 for cancer research

5. deserves our careful consideration

Section B


IV. Section A

1.A German, whose acquaintance I made in Hamburg last year, iscoming to see me.

2. Any of these problems can be’solved by ordinary intelligence and hard work because none of which are too difficult for us.

3. The children felt exhausted, so they fell asleep at once.

4. My wife was using the vacuum cleaner while l was trying to listen to a broadcast plat.

5. Since you promise to behave yourself, you shall not go to the party this afternoon.

Section B

(1)C (2)D(3)A


课后习题参考答案 Text A

I .1. D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A II . Section A

1. Precisely 2.hesitate 3. Wonderful 4. Emotion 5.ignorance 6. Complete

Section B

1. Attached 2. Attempts 3. Upset 4. Overwhelming 5. Prompted 6. inner

Section C

l . Took 2. With 3. For 4. Take 5. In 6. with

Ⅲ. 1. Choose 2. Opportunity 3. View 4. Accordingly 5. end up 6. interact7. Whose 8. What 9. Nonstop 10. night IV. Section A

1. agrecd without the slightest hesitation

2. In desperation I called the doctor ‘

3. prompted me to write this article

4. the best solution they had come up with

5. Despite a shortage of steel supply

Section B


V.6 1 5 3 2 4

Ⅵ.你的内心也许会告诉你如何做出正确的选择,但是,实际上,我们更倾向于听取别人的建议,尤其是大多数人的建议。例如,一个老人倒在大街上,许多人站在那儿围观,没人走上前去帮忙,因为他们不想自找麻烦。在这种情况下,你会怎么做呢?你会听从内心的呼唤去帮助老人,还是跟其他人一样置之不理呢?请给出你的理由。 Text B

I . Section A

I.N 2.Y 3. N 4. NG 5. Y 6.Y

Section B

1 . sourness and selfishness 2. have their pets inoculated 3. waste time sitting in that office

4. the long wait for service 5. your goodwill

II . Section A

1. boredom 2. Namely 3. Character 4. tension 5 . Sour 6. pleasing

Section B

1. modest 2. Wears 3. Brightened 4. radiate 5. Goodwill 6. inherited

Section C

1. under 2.up 3.of 4.As 5.into 6.skin

Ⅲ.Section A 1.He is so eager to leam

2. joining in the celebration activities

3. inherited a large fortune from his father

4. converts the sun’s radiation into electric: power

5. make a good impression on everybody you meet

Section B


IV. Section A

1. The chairman’s daughter whose name is Ann gave me a patient smile.

2. There is a large stadium in the south of the city.

3. The river was slowly rising so that it began to overflow its bank.

4. He had fought all his life for these goals.which no longer seemed important to him.

5. Influenced by a famous psychologist, he chooses to major in psychology.

Section B

1.also 2. As 3. In addition 4. For example 5. even if 6.finally



Text A I . 1. C 2.C 3.D 4. B 5.A

II . Section A

1.perfection 2. Accomplishment 3. Persistent 4. disposal 5. Effective 6. motivational

Section B

1 . obstacle 2. Incredible 3. Vision 4. perspective 5. Fulfill 6. profound

Section C

1. to 2. from 3. with 4. at 5. in 6. of

III . 1 . confused 2 . Natural 3. Intentionally 4. likely 5. Potential 6. as opposed to

7. Even if 8. Known 9. called upon 10. mark

Ⅳ.Section A 1. find it dificult to adapt to their new school life

2. children liked to share their stories with

3. elected one of their members as the spokesman

4. only to find that they had to overcome fmancial problems on their own

5. stress the importance of balanced diet

Section B


V.2 3 1 5 4 7 9 6 8


Text B

I . Section A ‘

1.Y 2.NG 3.N 4.N 5.Y 6.N

Section B

l. the computing world 2. finance the production 3. worked on a new machine

4. Fired 5. billions of dollars 6. new and innovative technologies

II . Section A

1. Adoption 2. Appointment 3. Convincing 4. Initially 5. Recruitment 6. successive

Section B

1 . Foundation 2. Innovative 3. Possession 4. Insanely 5. Immense 6. unexpected

Section C

1. among 2.with 3.as 4.of 5.in 6.in

Ⅲ.Section A 1. he dropped out after only one year

2. established charity foundation in memory of his father

3. tumed out to be more difficult than I had expected

4.look forward to a bring future under his leadership

5. such a tragedy would happen to him

Section B


IV. Section A

1. It’s a great pleasure to spend this evening with you.

2. We’II have to cancel the meeting for the absence of the speaker.

3. With the support of the minority groups, he willbe able to win the election. 4. John spoke through a microphone to be heard in every room.

5. The woman was accompanied by a porter with heavy luggage.

Section B

6 7 1 3 4 2 5

Self-assessment 2

第一部分:阅读判断题 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A

第二部分:阅读选择 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.B

第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.E 20.D 21.B 22.C 23.F 24.E 25.A

第四部分:填句补文 26.B 27.F 28.A 29.C 30.D

第五部分:填词补文 31.L 32.H 33.1 34.B 35..C 36.E 37.D 38.J 39.F 40.G

第六部分:完形补文 41. infinite 42. exhausted 43. discoveries 44. increasing 45. Advanced 46. effective

47. investments 48. transportation 49. Applied 50. independent



课后习题参考答案 Text A I .1.C 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.A

II . Section A

1 . despair 2. Negative 3. Individually 4. tougher 5 . Incredible 6. symbolize

Section B

1 . leaped 2. Arose 3. Lost 4. paced 5. Through 6. positive

Section C

1. with 2. up 3. over 4. with 5. at 6. to

Ⅲ.1. struggling2. Arose3. Respectively 4. turned 5 . Observed 6. Tasted 7. weak 8. Inside 9. Circumstance 10. worst

IV. Section A

1. instead of waiting-until tomorrow

2. overseas investment has a positive effect on export

3. look back on my days in middle school

4. end up getting into trouble

5. he had great difficulty keeping up with other students

Section B


V.5 1 3 6 2 4


Text B I . Section A

l. NG 2. N 3. Y 4. N 5. Y 6. N

Section B

1. no small achievement

2. signaled the conductor to begin again

3. three strings

4. how much they appreciated what he had done

5. more beautiful; more sacred, more memorable than any that he had ever made

6. with what we have left

II . Section A

l. sudden 2. appreciate 3. Purity 4. applause 5. shaky 6. boastful

Section B

1. aid 2. proceeded 3. Signaled 4. undid 5. figured 6. Bewildering

Section C

1. Up 2.Hire 3. round/up 4. Sudden 5.To 6. At III. Section A

1. made our way to the place for our appointment

2.appreciated by those who like quality services

3. with the aid of a good map

4. Many people stricken with disability

5. proceeded to tell everyone in the bar about our individual problems

Section B


Ⅳ.Section A

1. In my opinion, we should take actions to protect the environment./I think we should take actions to protect the environment.

2.I suddenly realize that my own parents are those on whom I can rely.

3. Scientific research generally depends on accurate data.

4. The teacher demonstrated methods for cutting words from my essay for class.

5. Sally was determined to write a conclse sentence.

Section B

l. in addition to 2.and 3. Thus 4. However 5 . Because 6.also 7. Finally 8. Again



Text A I .1.A 2. B 3. D 4.D 5.C

II . Section A

1. Economic 2. Arrangement 3 . Dependent 4. Valuable 5 . Exception 6. ease

Section B

l. Necessities 2. Strengthen 3. Lessening 4. Linuted 5. Proclaimed 6. commutes

Section C

1. for 2. on 3. To 4. up 5. to 6. in

III. 1. Limited 2. running out of 3. refers to 4. Low 5. Require 6. another

7. compared to 8 . Personal 9. Positive 10. economic

Ⅳ. Section A

1. basking in the warm sunlight

2. accounts for 35% of the corporate revenue

3. attributed her success to her hard work

4. up to more than 500 guests

5.end up in prison Section B


V.2 4 3 5 6 l


Text B

I . Section A

1.Y 2.N 3.N 4.N 5.Y 6.Y

Section B

1. end up seeing

2. behave as politely and respectfully as they can

3 conduct ourselves best

4. takes a lot of guts

5. for other purposes

6. efforts in sustaining and keeping .

II . Section A

1. Maintenance 2. Considerable 3. Economical 4. Accumulation 5. Warmth 6. assurance

Section B

1. Pushing 2. Advantage 3. Incidents 4. intention 5. Sustained 6. aggravated

Section C

l. up 2. in 3. For 4. for 5. for 6. in

III. Section A

1. how they conduct themselves at work

2. despite of the government’s assurance of expanding employment

3. consider other people before you take actions

4. they have never quarreled with each other in public

5. very confident that everything would go as planned

Section B


IV. Section A

1. At this point in our country, the amount of violence seems to be increasing every day.

2.I called to the children repeatedly to get their.attention, but failed.

3. From June,1 will be working at the store on a full-time basis.

4. Because his car refused to start up, Chen had to take public transportation to his place of work.

5. As a little boy,Ialready knew that my goal was to be a stockbroker in the future。 Section B

1. Much as 2. for example 3. Also 4. Similarly 5. Even 6. In conclusion 7. But Unit11



Text A I . 1.D 2. D 3. B 4.A 5. C

II . Se.ction A

1.merely 2. Intimate 3.determin 4. romantic 5 . Perception 6.intense

Section B

1. convey 2. Revealed 3. Variety 4. suspected 5 . Potential 6. personality

Section C

1. to 2. under 3. as 4. in 5. of 6. to

III. 1. everywhere 2. get up 3. Enjoy 4. schedule 5. While 6. Daily 7. since 8.in touch with 9.use 10.communicate

Ⅳ.Section A

1. was perceived as an important breakthrough

2. Under no clrcumstances can you approach that man

3. determine whether she is guilty or not

4. when you are deprived of your sleep

5. in any case l was not invited

Section B


V,2 5 3 1 4


Text B

I . Section A

1.N 2.Y 3.Y 4.N 5.Y 6.N

Section B

1. govemment operation 2. anyone needed it 3. the routine availability 4. instant gratification 5. the development of the Internet 6. reliant and dependent

II . Section A

1. traditional 2. reliant 3. Novel 4. consume 5. Option 6.impatient

Section B

1 . Simplified 2. Evolved 3. tremendous4. interaction 5 . Declined 6. standard

Section C

1. on 2. with 3. t0 4. up 5. In 6. on

III. Section A

1. I don’t want to take up too much of your time

2. obtaining access to social services

3. backward in this respect

4. Realistically, he was hopeless

5. only 10 % of Americans often engage in exercises

Section B


IV. Section A

1. She sailed to London and flew to Paris and then took a train to Rome.

2. Beginning in the 1950s, NASA initiated a program to develop and Iaunch a series of passive satellites.

3. In 1972, President Nixon and his councerparts in Beijing took a number of importantsteps that would improve the bilateral


4. this morning at 6:30, I was woken up by my alarm, but I turned it off and retumed to a sleeping state.

5. Possibly so many teenagers run away from home because many of them have indifferent parents .

Section B

1. Both 2. For example 3.similarly 4. A second way 5. In the same way 6.thirdly 7. Likewise



课后习题参考答案 Text A I.1. A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D

II . Section A

1. Awareness 2. Resemblance 3.permission 4. Emotional 5. Settlement 6.justification

Section B

1. Subsided 2 . Manufactured 3. Subsiding 4. Refreshed 5. Symptoms 6. Nurtured

Section C

1. up 2. With 3. to 4. away 5. out 6. set

III. l. In addition to 2. Unfortunately 3. One 4. get out of 5. Physically 6. Through 7. Free 8. Either 9. Positive

10. rather than

IV. Section A

1. waiting until problems are piling up 2. respond to our request for help

3. had come down with the flu, and had to stay jn bed

4.He will be set free 5. justify your cheating on the exam Section B


V.2 4 1 3 5

Ⅵ.好多时候,人们感觉精疲力竭,想放松一下,但是总是放弃这样的想法,仅仅是因为生活忙忙碌碌的,不能真正放松自己。即使真的放松自己,总觉得很内疚,感觉自己不负责任。然而,人们需要倾听并满足自己的需求,就像上面故事中的作者一样关心自己。你同意这种观点吗?除了生病人们可以放松自己之外,你能否列出其他的理由?请举例说明自己的观点。 Text B

I . Section A

1.Y 2.N 3.N 4.Y 5.Y 6.Y

Section B

l. feeling good about yourself can affect how you act

2. a person’s body image

3. to compare themselves with others

4. Body image

5. a strong self-esteem

6. do this by making goals for yourself

II . Section A

1 . capability 2. Combination 3. Adjustment 4. ignorant 5. Hurtful 6. permanently

Section B

1.verifying 2.Varying 3.Embarrassed 4.criticized 5 . Tempt 6. prejudice

Section C

1. down 2. t0 3. about 4. with 5. through 6. of

III. Section A

1. put down because of coming back late

2. don’t care about what measures you take

3. keep track of your capital/money

4. they are nothing compared with yours

5. makes us feel good about the effortswe have made in the past decade

Section B


Ⅳ.Section A

1. The main point I’II try to make in this paper is that out state should legalize gambling.

2. The exercises that Susan does every day give her more energy to deal with the happenings of everyday Iife.

3. It’s a proven fact that there is no cure yet for the common cold.

4. Another issue to be mentioned is whether the aforementionedlimitation applies to foreign oil extraction taxes.

5. Due to the easy access of internet resources in many places, the vast majority of users seek those kinds of devices easy to

carry with wherever they go.

Section B

l. For one thing 2. Even after 3. Second 4. In addition 5. Thus 6. Though 7. On the other hand 8. Only when

Self-Assessment 3

笫一部分:阅读判断题 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A

第二部分:阅读选择 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D

第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.F 20.E 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.E

第四部分:填句补文 26.F 27.C 28.E 29.B 30.A

第五部分:填词补文 31.B 32.F 33.H 34.D 35.A 36.J 37.L 38.1 39.K 40.E

第六部分:完形补文 41. dissatisfaction 42. balanced 43. Healthy 44. Vigorous 45. shameful 46. Failure 47. perception 48. comfortable 49.

Impossible 50. fulfilled
