
陈官屯用英语怎么说 陈官屯的英语翻译

1. – We’re being attacked by Hottentots!
2. Barrowton, My Lord. House Dustin.
3. How then? You know the Millertown bluff?
4. – inspector Chan! inspector Chan!
5. The winner’s parents, come forward.
6. – Dad, get in the car! – Hurry up!
7. Jin Hyeon Pil! Jin Hyeon Pil!
8. Most of them are at Hardhome.
9. – Give me a heading, will you?
10. Mr. Prosecutor, you can make your plea.
11. He’s called Chan, and the name is…
12. Qing Feng Ridge. Head of Chen Jia Boxing, Chen Chang Xing.
13. There’s no Bagginses here.They’re all up in Hobbiton.
14. They’re asking for our instructions.