
石觉用英语怎么说 石觉的英语翻译

石觉通常被翻译为”force sence”的意思,还网络中常译为”apperception”,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到15个与石觉相关的译文和例句。
1. Are you having a hard time sleeping?
2. Now, you have a nice sleep.
3. Man-seok and Jong-seok know!
4. The variety of garnet includes almandine, pyrope, magnesium-iron garnet, manganese-aluminum garnet, andradite and calcium-chromium garnet.
5. – Get a good night’s sleep.
6. This one about “cannot go to sleep”?
7. i thought it was worth it.
8. – Have you managed any sleep?
9. You better go home and get some sleep.
10. Once they– Shift stone, shift stone!