
米更用英语怎么说 米更的英语翻译

译文:你觉得你和汤米配对会更自然 你相信汤米和我将来可能会分手。
1. in the case of the height of the Eiffel Tower, let’s say a group has these answers: 250 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, 400 and one totally absurd answer of 300 million meters.
译文:就估计埃菲尔铁塔高度来说, 假设一个小组有以下数据: 250米,200米,300和400米, 还有一个更荒谬的数据,3亿米。 。
2. i’m not talking about robbery. Miraglia, this is serious…
3. i like Amitabh Bachchan more.
4. Your sister´s safe. No one knows these hills better than Tommy McLaren.
5. 5. 7 ft. He said, but i never buy it. He looks much smaller ’cause of the bad proportion.
6. – They’d rather see me dead than Rommel.
7. Your little Pamcake’s got it a lot worse than i do. 0h!
8. 80, 85 meters down, 90, 100.
9. …almost 3,000 square meters. 2,800 to be precise.
10. Armenia and Rome will become even closer.
11. Yemi’s body could’ve burned or… not to mention animals or…
12. You’ve known this Tommy all your life. Who knows better?