
黄用英语怎么说 黄的英语翻译

黄通常被翻译为”  Butter”的意思,还可以翻译为  Yellow,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到53个与黄相关的翻译和例句。
3. euonymus macropterus rupr.(黄瓢子;黄心子)
2. frangula crenata miq.(三黄;山黄)
Hwang Mi Young Tifny Mi Young ( 黄美英 )
Xanthan gum xanthan gum from xanthomonas campestris xanthate gum XG ( 黄原胶 有化 )
xanthophyll Lutein ( 叶黄素 生化 )
Curcumin Cur Curcuma Curcuminoids ( 姜黄素 )
yellow fever YF fiebre amarilla ( 黄热病 内科 )
3. Master Huang, i’m innocent!
4. We call our beloved women veretenitsa.
5. Lieutenant. Lieutenant Wong
6. Uncle Lone, Master Wong is here.
7. You mean you’re Duk-sup Hwang from the legend?
8. The yellow zone is for loading and unloading only.
9. – Master Wong. – How’s everyone?
10. – The obliquity of the ecliptic.
11. We can’t live if we don’t believe ours are the best.
12. – Master Wong, time to leave.
13. The Mystery of the Yellow Room.
14. – Who jumped off a building?