
红蜻蜓用英语怎么说 红蜻蜓的英语翻译

红蜻蜓在英语中的翻译是”  Red Dragonflies”,还可以翻译为  Dragonfly,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到84个与红蜻蜓相关的短语翻译和用法。
RdfSnap Red Dragonfly capture wizard ( 红蜻蜓抓图精灵 )
Crocothemis servilia ( 猩红蜻蜓 )
Red dragonfly Red dragonfly classes ( 红蜻蜓班 )
1. There are three dragonflies.
2. The sky filled with the singing of red dragon flies has not changed at all
译文:♪ 青空之下 依旧在唱着红蜻蜓之歌 ♪ ♪ 一切都未改变 ♪。
3. l– l was bitten by a dragonfly.
4. The Dragonfly can’t even fly!
5. After the long empty, cirrus, pond red dragonfly little ripples circle circle, breeze light Buddha, sent to the distant town story!
6. Eh. Dragonfly, you must stop the Hourglass.
7. Giant dragonflies appeared.
8. How fast the dragonfly flies!
9. You can saw all those dragonflies.
10. – You’re a lery nice person.
11. This is a very beautiful species, it’s called the Oriental Scarlet.
12. Let’s go and catch the dragonflies!
13. Welcome to the DragonSpy DLX…
14. The dragonflies in the reeds do it
15. Let’s catch some dragonflies. Let’s go!