go after是什么意思 go after的中文翻译、读音、例句
go after在英语中代表”追赶、追逐”的意思,还经常被翻译为追求,读音为[美 ],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到10个与go after相关的用法和句子
go after的中文翻译
例句:After that, you can go anywhere you want to.
翻译:那之后就随你想去哪儿了 After that, you can go anywhere you want to.
例句:After we let him go, his marriage ended.
翻译:我们辞退他后 他又离婚了 After we let him go, his marriage ended.
例句:She helped me go after Lilith.
翻译:she helped me go after lilith.
例句:Until then, guess who they go after.
翻译:猜猜看他们还会找上谁 Until then, guess who they go after.
go after一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多
1. She helped me go after Lilith.
翻译:she helped me go after lilith.
2. Until then, guess who they go after.
翻译:猜猜看他们还会找上谁 Until then, guess who they go after.
3. Grandriders tough! Grandriders go!
翻译:不老骑士 GO GO GO
4. And, he is gonna go after your son.
翻译:还有你儿子 And, he is gonna go after your son.
5. Why don’t we go after Sam Walmart?
翻译:Right along the I -10. Why don’t we go after Sam Walmart
6. Well, shall we go after him?
翻译:呃 我们应该去找他吗? Well, shall we go after him
7. i wanna go after him with you.
翻译:I want to go after him with you.
8. They always go after the mother.
翻译:最后总是会怪到母亲头上 They always go after the mother.
9. We may go into town after your mother leaves.
翻译:妈走了以后我们再去城里 We may go into town after your mother leaves.
10. He isn’t gonna go after the politicians.
翻译:他也不会动政客一根手指 He isn’t gonna go after the politicians.
11. – in civil court we go after their money. – No.
翻译:- In civil court we go after their money.
12. We are gonna go after all of them!
翻译:我们要把这些家伙一网打尽 We are gonna go after all of them
13. You can go after an elbow, a knee, an ankle.
翻译:你可以攻击手肘 You can go after an elbow, 膝盖还有脚踝 a knee, an ankle.
14. K-9 unit, what’s your status?
翻译:Go! Go! Go
15. They are the easiest to go after?
翻译:他们最容易抓? They are the easiest to go after