
times new roman是什么意思 times new roman的中文翻译、读音、例句

times new roman通常被翻译为”字体、新罗马”的意思,还经常被翻译为宋体,发音音标为[timesnewroman],times new roman在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到60个与times new roman相关的近义词和例句

times new roman的释义


例句:People started to plant them since Greek and Roman Times

翻译:人们从希腊以及罗马时代 就开始栽种这种玫瑰



例句:The man in the corner’s Roman Dzindzichashvili…

翻译:角落的那个是Roman Dzindzichashvili —



例句:Hey, Roman, you’re freaking out, ain’t you?

翻译:Hey, Roman, you’re freaking out, ain’t you? Hey, Roman,吓傻了吧你



例句:You know, i wish this was Roman times.

翻译:我真希望现在还是罗马时代 You know, I wish this was Roman times.



times new roman一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多


1. Hey, Roman, you’re freaking out, ain’t you?

翻译:Hey, Roman, you’re freaking out, ain’t you? Hey, Roman,吓傻了吧你

2. You know, i wish this was Roman times.

翻译:我真希望现在还是罗马时代 You know, I wish this was Roman times.

3. “The Bible written in Roman times for Ancient Greek-speaking audiences. “

翻译:圣经写于罗马时代 对象是讲古希腊语的受众

4. Has Ramon been compromised? Negative.

翻译:- Roman是否暴露

5. Roman, you need some fresh air?

翻译:Roman, you need some fresh air? Roman, 出来透透气怎样

6. [font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]Thant Myint-U’s fine book seeks the middle ground.

翻译:[color=#000000][font=宋体]相比上述两个极端,吴丹敏([font=Times New Roman]Thant Myint-U[font=宋体])的优秀著作则中规中矩

7. Hey, Sean Roman. We’ve met.

翻译:你好 Sean Roman 我们之前见过

8. Well, now you have a new God, and he is Roman.

翻译:现在你有了新的神 一位罗马人 Well, now you have a new god, and he is Roman.

9. So the regular handout would be formatted in something straightforward, such as Helvetica or Times New Roman.

翻译:普通讲义的格式 都是很直截了当的, 比如Helvetica或Times New Roam字体

10. Los Angeles Times, New York Times.


11. “The Bible written in Roman times for Ancient reek-speaking audiences. “

翻译:圣经写于罗马时代 对象是讲古希腊语的受众

12. Well, not in a proportional font like Times Roman.

翻译:Times Roman这种均衡字符就不是了

13. it’s probably Palatino or Times New Roman.


14. How many? Was it three, four times?

翻译:four times

15. Are we really plea-bargaining down from Roman times?

翻译:我们真要根据 古罗马法制探讨诉辩交易吗