
server error是什么意思 server error的中文翻译、读音、例句

server error在中文中有”服务器错误”的意思,还有服务器错误的意思,在线读音是[servererror],server error在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到93个与server error相关的释义和例句

server error的释义


例句:if the application server is still running you might be presented with the perquisite error message shown in Figure 3.




server error一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多


1. This is an error page, but what if this error page was also an opportunity?

翻译:这虽然是一个错误页面 但在错误中蕴机会又有何不可

2. An FOC specifies the secondary server that takes over the role of the primary server if the primary server fails.


3. For example, start ntier, start tier1, start tier2, start server1, start server2, stop tier1, etc.

翻译:例如start ntier、start tier1、start tier2、start server1、start server2、stop tier1等等

4. The lmap: server predicate allows you to specify the location of the LDAP store.


5. They’re always trying to error correct.

翻译:他们总是想要纠错 They’re always trying to error correct.

6. The resource samp-postfix-server represents the mail server.

翻译:资源samp – postfix – server代表邮件服务器

7. – Error. Error. insufficient energy.


8. server installation directory>/conf/rdm/fronting.propreties.

翻译:server installation directory>/conf/rdm/fronting.propreties

9. You might be able to resolve this error by byping the proxy server for local Web requests, as described in the following procedure.


10. You might be able to resolve this error by byping the proxy server for local requests.


11. it’s gotta be some kind of a mistake, like an accounting error.

翻译:like an accounting error.

12. Run CDR delete server group_2.

翻译:运行cdr delete server group_2

13. These are words from the kids on the server to describe the server.

翻译:在Autcraft上的孩子 是用这些词来描述这个服务器的

14. Or how do we actually also nurture the experimentation, the trial and error and error and error?

翻译:还是我们应该如何培养实验, 试错,再错,再错

15. Then, the error produced by sphericity error, material refractive rate error and optical center error of cat eye are discussed.
