
produced by信息详情

produced by发音





producer gas───发生炉煤气;生产天然气

produce a book───出书

dropped by───顺便拜访







Butterflies feed on a sweet liquid produced by flowers.───蝴蝶以花朵产生的甜液为食。

Scientists claim to have identified chemicals produced by certain plants which have powerful cancer-fighting properties.───科学家们声称已经发现某些植物产生的化学物质有强大的抗癌功能。

The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique.───这种疫苗是用非常规的技术生产出来的。

The body maintains stability within this range by balancing the heat produced by the metabolism with the heat lost to the environment.───机体通过自身代谢产生的热量与环境消耗热量之间的平衡来使体温稳定在该范围内。

I also wonder if it is possible for research articles to be produced by a historical and popular introduction.───我想,是否有可能通过历史的、通俗的介绍来撰写研究论文。

In a balanced differential system the voltage produced by the driver appears across a pair of signal lines that transmit only one signal.───在平衡差分系统中,驱动器通过只传送一个信号的一对信号线来传送电压。

Most of the master luthiers owners of these shops sign all the guitars produced by his or her shop.───大部分这种琴的制作者或者商店老板在所有的亲上签上他们的名字。

The system Mr. Murdock persuaded his mother to install is called GrandCare, produced by a company of the same name based in West Bend, Wis.───默多克先生说服他的母亲安装的系统叫Grandcare系统。该系统是由位于威斯康星洲的西本德德同名公司生产的。

Rather than simply examining the THD produced by a single tone sinewave input , it is often.───胜于仅仅用一个输入的单一状态正弦波检测总谐波失真。


Chlorophyll is produced by the action of light on the plants’leaves.

A butterfly is produced by metamorphosis from a caterpillar.

Dread is produced by a powerlessness.

Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultra-violet light.

It’s unlikely that this gully was produced by nature.

The sperm sample is produced by masturbation.

Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.

The magnetism produced by the battery attracts the metal.

The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique.