






reflection loss───反射损失

reflection on───反思

reflection paper───n.读后报告,读后反思,读后感

visitation reflection───探视反射

reflection lyrics───反映歌词

fresnel reflection───菲涅尔反射

reflection blue───反射蓝



Self-reflection is good advice on many fronts.───在许多场景中,自我反省是一个不错的建议。

Fred said this not out of anger or spite, but simply out of humorous self-reflection.───弗雷德说这些不是因为愤怒或怨恨,而只是幽默地反省自己。

This milestone involves a little self-reflection.───此里程碑涉及到一点自省。

Finally, women should continue to self-reflection and ultimately into the heart of the garden.───最后,女性还要不断地自我反省,最终走进心灵的花园。

As hard as it seems to do, NOW is the time for powerful self-reflection, stillness and patience.───随着日子越来越难过,就到了该好好反思、平抚内心、保持耐心的时候了。

Yet this seems to have sparked little or no self-reflection on their part, as befitting the committed ideologue.───目前为止,跟顽固空想家的身份相符,他们好像并没有为此多少有些自我反思。

For Rawls, looking out on the greenery of Harvard Square, the social contract is founded on open discussion and honest self-reflection.───而对罗尔斯来说,放眼望出去,是葱绿的哈佛广场,他把理论建立在公开讨论和诚实的自我反思上就不奇怪了。

Some of my ex-colleagues have quit their jobs and took months out to do some self-reflection.───我的一些同事甚至辞去工作花上几个月的时间做自我反省。

Self – reflection and its continued development in self – identity make individual become a subject with moral reflection ability.───自我认同中的自我反思及其持续展开,使个体成为一个具有道德反思能力的主体。


He added: “Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection counts as keeping busy, too.

Constant self-assessment and self-reflection are part of our program.

Average tactics of implicit decision-making involve self-reflection, incubation, reinforcement and mental imagery.

There are certainly other signs of institutional self-reflection worth recording.

Both paintings engage disability in relation to self-reflection, asking how art works put disability in the place of the beholder’s mirror image.

This requires a certain amount of self-reflection—you have to care about what your behavior says about you.

It’s been such an interesting process of self-reflection and discipline, exploring the multifaceted manifestations of fear .

Celebration of fallen enemies –without self-reflection –may be no more worthy than celebrating a victory at a football match.

They spawn moments of deep thought and self-reflection that challenge the status quo and help us evolve as sensible individuals.