A few weeks ago he was checking out his Stream and saw a post from Chee Chew, an engineer in our Kirkland office.───周前,他在检查自己的信息流时,看到了一个Chee Chew发的帖子,Chee是我们柯克兰分部的一名工程师。
Chee Kwon married Sau Chun Wong, a high school teacher, in Honolulu.───陈志昆与一名中学教师黄寿珍在檀香山结婚。
As for what Mr. Chee thinks of Mr. Lee: “I don’t hate you, ” he told the man facing him on the stand.───至于许先生对李先生的看法:“我不怨恨你,”他对这个与其对立照面的人说到。
The effect of the policy address has subsided, as Tung Chee-hwa’s popularity rating returns to that of early January.───董建华的最新民望评分与一月初时差不多,施政报告的作用似乎已经减退。
Work from home, spend all day in your pajamas snarfing down Chee- tos , and never have to deal with the boss in person.───在家里工作,穿着你的睡衣狼吞虎咽着奇多薯条度过一整天,并且从来不亲自与老板打交道。
And as forum member chee noted, this comically would make Nolan a man of his word.───作为论坛成员慈指出,这将使诺兰滑稽了他的话的人。
Chee – hwa described the show as being in bad taste.
Following is the speech given by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the Hong Kong Association of Banks Half Yearly Dinner today (Wednesday).
An opposition politician, Chee Soon Juan, was jailed for 12 days in 1999 for speaking in public without a permit.
Since then, Chee also has discovered that a Navajo cousin lives nearby in Maine.
Deacon Chee Meng transcribes the Sunday Service Message every week, and many have benefitted from it.