
all like信息详情

all like发音




like all───像所有人一样

we all like───我们都喜欢

like you all───喜欢你的一切(歌曲名)

all my like───所有我喜欢的

we all like them───我们都喜欢他们

all girl like me───所有像我这样的女孩

we all like her───我们都喜欢她

I like them all───我都喜欢

all like the kite───都喜欢风筝


We all like him and his math class.───我们都喜欢他和他的数学课。

They all like parties.───他们全都喜欢聚会。

We all like your dances.───我们都喜欢你跳舞。

Remember how much you all like me?───记得你们有多么爱我

But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon.───可即便如此,在肉眼下当夜的火星也不过就是茫茫苍穹之间一颗颇为明亮的橘红色小点,和满月丁点可比性没有啦。

Different sorts of low-cost robots are also emerging that do not look at all like the bulky beams of factory robots.───不像支柱型工业机器人,不同种类的低成本的机器人也出现了。

Monica: (to all) Okay, please be good, please. Just remember how much you all like me.───(对大家)好了,拜托一定要乖乖的。一定要记得你们有多爱我。

He is so bright a boy that we all like him. He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him in our class.───他跑得这么快,我们班没人能赶上他。

Regardless how much money we have and how far we live, we all like to eat out at that restaurant.───无论有没有钱,也不管住得远不远,我们都喜欢去那家饭馆吃饭。


We all like to think we stand out from the crowd .

We all like John; he plays hard-nosed football.

Children all like to seesaw.

The boss smiled at us all like a benevolent uncle.

Our boss treats us all like naughty schoolchildren.

How could you disgrace us all like that?

Our doctor, whom/who we all like very much, is leaving.

We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.

He treats us all like his lackeys.