


    Think tank


    智囊───Think tank


    Half boot camp , half think tank , FBI academy houses some of the bureau’s most innovative divisions.───一半训练体力, 一半训练智力.联邦调查局学院拥有一些局内最创新的单位.

    Every day a small group of scientists go into a think tank to conduct experiment.───每天,一小组科学家加入智囊团进行实验.

    Its Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries is a think tank on service policy.───该会的智囊团香港服务业联盟,专就服务业政策提供意见.

    Mr. Nakamura is a member of a corporate think tank.───中村先生是智囊公司(注:也称点子公司)的一员.

    President Bush’s think tank gave him some suggestions , when planning to start the war in Iraq.───布什的智囊团对布什献计, 计划发动伊拉克战争.

    The former is the most powerful US Government think tank and policy director.───前者是最强大的美国政府智囊团和政策主导者.


    The Cato Institute is a conservative think tank.

    Launched by the Institute of Ideas think tank, the Battle of Ideas aims to “make virtues of free-thinking and lively exchanges of views”.

    In 1972, when think tank the Club of Rome published his Malthusian bestseller ‘Limits to Growth, ‘ eco-doom was in and technological optimists weren’t getting invited to the best parties.

    Larry Madden, founder of a liturgical think tank.

    Laurene is on the board of the think tank where I work.