
best-seller是什么意思 best-seller的读音、翻译、用法



1. This novel quickly became a best-seller and was praised by critics.(这本小说很快成为畅销书并获得了评论家的赞扬。)

2. The author’s memoir was a best-seller in the United States.(这位作者的自传在美国成为了畅销书。)

3. Her latest book is expected to be a best-seller.(她的最新著作预计会成为畅销书。)

4. The publisher was surprised by the success of the book, which became a best-seller overnight.(出版商对这本书的成功感到惊讶,这本书一夜之间成为了畅销书。)

5. The best-seller list is updated every week.(畅销书排行榜每周更新一次。)

6. The author was thrilled that his book had become a best-seller in Japan.(这位作者很高兴他的书在日本成为了畅销书。)

7. The book’s popularity was boosted by the publicity campaign, and it soon became a best-seller.(这本书的知名度因宣传活动而提高,很快成为了畅销书。)

8. The best-seller status of the book led to a movie deal.(这本书的畅销程度导致了一份电影合约。)

9. The author’s previous best-seller set high expectations for her new book.(这位作者之前的畅销书为她的新书树立了很高的期望。)