
muscle soreness是什么意思 muscle soreness的中文翻译、读音、例句

muscle soreness通常被翻译为”肌肉酸痛”的意思,其次还有”肌肉酸痛”的意思,发音音标为[musclesoreness],muscle soreness常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到69个与muscle soreness相关的句子。

Muscle soreness的词典翻译




muscle soreness一般作为名词使用,如在soreness(n. 痛苦, 悲伤, 愤慨)、soreness of loins(腰酸)、soreness of waist([中医] 腰酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

soreness n. 痛苦, 悲伤, 愤慨
soreness of loins 腰酸
soreness of waist [中医] 腰酸
muscle in 强行进入,抢夺
muscle in on 〈俚〉硬挤进;侵入;干涉;强夺
muscle into 硬挤进; 侵入; 干涉; 强夺
on the muscle 以暴力,凭蛮力;气势汹汹地
the muscle 肌肉
diductor muscle 展肌


1. Adrenalin was injected into the muscle. (翻译:往肌肉里注肾上腺素。)

2. Muscular soreness does indicate that the muscle fibers have been damaged, but muscle fibers repair themselves all the time. (翻译:肌肉酸痛的确告诉我们肌纤维已经受损了,但肌纤维是从来不停止修复工作的。)

3. The muscle you gain is minuscule compared with the total amount of skeletal muscle in the body. (翻译:你获得的肌肉相对于全身的骨骼肌来说只是一小部分。)

4. She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever , adenopathy, weight. (翻译:她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、病、重下降和盗汗。)

5. And in that world, muscle jobs go where muscle labor is cheap, and that is not here. (翻译:在那个世界里, 体力劳动是十分廉价的 但这里不是)

6. Severed the sartorious muscle, the anterior gracilis, and partial trauma to the rectus. (翻译:Severed the sartorious muscle, 切断了sartorious肌肉, the anterior gracilis, 股薄肌前部, and partial trauma to the rectus.)

7. – Yeah, so now these guys have this muscle to flex. (翻译:是啊 所以他们要报复一下 Yeah, so now these guys have this muscle to flex.)

8. Persistent soreness in the rib area, which I’m treating each morning with 15 extra minutes of yogic discipline. (翻译:肋骨那里还是疼 所以现在我每天早上 坚持练15分钟瑜伽)

9. The result is gradual muscle decay. (翻译:结果是肌肉逐渐萎缩 The result is gradual muscle decay.)

10. Much better than heat for a muscle strain. (翻译:对肌肉过劳会比热敷更有效 {\3cH202020}much better than heat for a muscle strain.)

11. Every muscle, calm and relaxed. (翻译:放松每一寸肌肉 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Every muscle calm and relaxed.)

12. Repair of damaged cells takes about two days and afterwards, the soreness disappears. (翻译:受损细胞的修复大约需要两天,之后疼痛就会消失。)

13. Then he injected a muscle relaxant (翻译:之后他注肌肉松弛剂 {\3cH202020}Then he injected a muscle relaxant)

14. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris muscle, because it is used to pucker the lips (翻译:而其中起主导作用的是… 口轮匝肌 因为要靠它来噘起嘴唇)

15. This flood of calcium causes the muscle to contract by enabling proteins buried in the muscle fibers to lock together and ratchet towards each other, pulling the muscle tight. (翻译:大量地钙离子将使肌肉收缩, 通过让埋藏在肌肉纤维里的 蛋白质锁在一起, 相互拉紧, 从而使肌肉拉紧。)