oncopeltus fasciatus是什么意思 oncopeltus fasciatus的中文翻译、读音、例句
‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’是拉丁语,中文翻译为“条纹盾蝽”。
‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’指的是一种盾蝽科昆虫,身体长约1.5厘米,身体呈椭圆形,背部有十二个黑色横带和斑点,前翅为灰色,后翅为透明。它们是一种常见的庭院和花园昆虫,主要以吸食植物汁液为生。
以下是9个含有’Oncopeltus fasciatus’的例句:
1. The ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ is a common insect species found in gardens and backyards.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’是一种常见的昆虫物种,生活在花园和庭院中。)
2. The nymphs of the ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ look quite different from the s.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’的若虫和成虫相比,外观上有很大的不同。)
3. The ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ feeds on the sap of various plants, including tomatoes and beans.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’以吸食番茄和豆类等植物汁液为食。)
4. The ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ is a true bug, characterized by its piercing and ing mouthparts.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’是一种真正的臭虫,其特征是具有穿刺和型口器。)
5. The ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ is sometimes called the large milk bug.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’有时被称为大卫草盾蝽。)
6. The vibrant coloration of the ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ serves as a warning to potential predators.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’的色彩艳丽,具有警示潜在捕食者的作用。)
7. The ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ is a fascinating insect to observe under a microscope.(在显微镜下观察’Oncopeltus fasciatus’是一种令人着迷的体验。)
8. The presence of ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ in a garden can indicate a healthy ecosystem.(花园中有’Oncopeltus fasciatus’的存在可以表明该生态系统健康。)
9. The ‘Oncopeltus fasciatus’ is just one of many insect species that contribute to the diversity of our planet.(’Oncopeltus fasciatus’只是众多昆虫物种中的一种,它们共同构成了我们星球的多样性。)
oncopeltus fasciatus在中文中有”马利筋长蝽”的意思,作为名词时有”昆”的意思,在线读音是[oncopeltusfasciatus],oncopeltus fasciatus常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到39个与oncopeltus fasciatus相关的例句。
Oncopeltus fasciatus的翻译
例句:Oplegnathus fasciatus Juvinile Striped Beakfish is distinguished by alternating stripes of yellow and black. (年幼的条石鲷有很显眼的身体有黄和黑色的条纹。)
oncopeltus fasciatus一般作为名词使用,如在Oncopeltus fasciatus([昆] 马利筋长蝽)、fasciatus([网络] 条石鲷;环纹海蛇;纹兔袋鼠)、dischistodus fasciatus(条纹盘雀鲷;厚壳仔)等常见短语中出现较多。
Oncopeltus fasciatus | [昆] 马利筋长蝽 |
fasciatus | [网络] 条石鲷;环纹海蛇;纹兔袋鼠 |
dischistodus fasciatus | 条纹盘雀鲷;厚壳仔 |
epinephelus fasciatus | 赤石斑, 赤石斑鱼, 横带石斑鱼;横条石斑鱼;石斑;过鱼;红斑;红鹭鸶;关公鲙 |
enneapterygius fasciatus | 条纹双线鳚;狗鲦;三鳍鳚 |
hemigymnus fasciatus | 条纹半裸鱼;横带厚唇鱼;斑节龙;大口倍良;阔嘴郎;黑带鹦鲷;大口鹦鲷, 大口鹦鲷 |
hoplichthys fasciatus | 横带针鲬;黄带棘鲬;针牛尾 |
limnichthys fasciatus | 横带沙鳝, 横带沙鱚;条纹沼泽鱼;沙鳅 |
melampus fasciatus | 条纹滨耳螺 |
myrecobius fasciatus | 袋食蚁兽 |