
sin是什么意思 sin的读音、翻译、用法



1. He committed a sin by stealing the money.(他偷走钱财犯了罪。)

2. Eating too much junk food is a sin against your body.(吃太多垃圾食品是对身体的一种罪过。)

3. The pastor preached about the nature of sin during the sermon.(牧师在布道中讲述了罪的本质。)

4. Adultery is considered a serious sin in many religions.(在许多中被认为是严重的罪恶。)

5. Confession is necessary for absolving one’s sins in Christianity.(在教中,忏悔是解脱罪恶的必要条件。)

6. The character in the novel struggled with the consequences of his sins.(小说中的人物为自己的罪孽后果而苦苦挣扎。)

7. Many cultures have rituals or practices for atoning for sins.(许多文化拥有赎罪的仪式或实践。)

8. The Bible teaches that all humans are born with the original sin.(圣经教导,所有人类都带着原罪而生。)

9. The woman felt a deep sense of shame for her past sins.(那位女士为过去的罪行感到深深的羞愧。)