Pulvinaria是什么意思 Pulvinaria的读音、翻译、用法
1. Pulvinaria pseudotsugae is a common pest on Douglas fir trees.(软盘介壳虫是道格拉斯云杉上常见的害虫。)
2. The best way to control Pulvinaria is to remove infested branches.(控制软盘介壳虫的最佳方法是剪掉受害的枝条。)
3. The female Pulvinaria lays its eggs inside the protective scale cover.(雌性软盘介壳虫将产在保护性鳞片套内。)
4. The presence of Pulvinaria on a plant can cause yellowing and stunted growth.(植物上的软盘介壳虫存在会导致黄叶和矮化生长。)
5. Pulvinaria maxima is known to feed on a wide range of host plants.(软盘介壳虫最大型擅长以多种寄主植物为食。)
6. The soft-bodied nymphs of Pulvinaria are often overlooked but can cause significant damage.(软盘介壳虫的软体若虫常常被忽视,但可能会造成重大的损害。)
7. The use of insecticidal soap can be effective in controlling Pulvinaria populations.(使用杀虫肥皂可能对控制软盘介壳虫种群有效。)
8. The Pulvinaria scale covers can be removed by gently sing with a soft brush.(可以用软毛刷轻轻地刮去软盘介壳虫的鳞片套。)
9. The damage caused by Pulvinaria can weaken plants and make them more susceptible to other pests and diseases.(软盘介壳虫造成的损害可能会削弱植物并使其更容易受到其他害虫和病害的侵袭。)