
Phoma lingam是什么意思 Phoma lingam的读音、翻译、用法

“Phoma lingam”这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为“小麦黑根病”,是一种由Phoma lingam真菌引起的植物病害,主要影响小麦和大麦。在潮湿的气候条件下,这种真菌会侵入植物的根部和叶子,引起茎、叶、穗、根等部位的病变。

以下是9个含有“Phoma lingam”的例句:

1. The yield of wheat was severely affected by Phoma lingam infection.(小麦产量受到Phoma lingam感染的严重影响。)

2. Phoma lingam is a common fungal pathogen that can infect different crops.(Phoma lingam是一种常见的真菌病原体,可以感染不同的作物。)

3. The symptoms of Phoma lingam infection include wilting, yellowing, and necrosis of leaves.(Phoma lingam感染的症状包括叶子的枯萎、发黄和坏死。)

4. Plant resistance genes play an important role in the defense against Phoma lingam infection.(植物抗病基因在防御Phoma lingam感染方面发挥重要作用。)

5. Farmers should adopt proper crop rotation and fungicide application to prevent Phoma lingam infection.(农民应采取适当的轮作和杀菌剂应用措施来预防Phoma lingam感染。)

6. The molecular mechanisms of Phoma lingam pathogenesis are not fully understood.(Phoma lingam致病机制的分子机理尚未完全理解。)

7. The infection rate of Phoma lingam is higher in wet conditions than in dry conditions.(Phoma lingam的感染率在潮湿条件下比干燥条件下更高。)

8. The management of Phoma lingam infection requires integrated pest control strategies.(Phoma lingam感染的管理需要综合的害虫控制策略。)

9. The application of beneficial microbes can enhance the plant’s natural defense against Phoma lingam infection.(有益微生物的应用可以增强植物对Phoma lingam感染的天然防御。)