retrogrado是什么意思 retrogrado的读音、翻译、用法
1. ‘retrogrado’是西班牙语词语。
2. ‘retrogrado’翻译成中文是’落后、退步、’。
3. ‘retrogrado’是用来形容一些观念、行为、制度等落后、不进步的情况。
4. 他的观念很’ retrogrado’,总是不肯接受新的想法。(His thinking is very retrograde and he is unwilling to accept new ideas.)
5. 这个国家的制度很’retrogrado’,已经不能适应时代的发展了。(The political system of this country is very retrograde and it can no longer keep pace with the development of the times.)
6. 这些企业的管理方式很’ retrogrado’,没有引入新的科技和理念。(The management methods of these enterprises are very retrograde, and they have not introduced new technologies and concepts.)
7. 这个社区的居民生活习惯很’retrogrado’,不愿意接受新事物。(The living habits of the residents in this community are very retrograde, and they are unwilling to accept new things.)
8. 这个人的价值观很’ retrogrado’,对于女性的地位持有很落后的观念。(This person’s values are very retrograde, and he holds very backward views on the status of women.)
9. 这个公司的管理者很’ retrogrado’,在数字化时代还在坚持使用纸质文件。(The managers of this company are very retrograde, and they insist on using paper documents even in the digital age.)