
isoamilase是什么意思 isoamilase的读音、翻译、用法



1. Isoamylase activity of Lactobacillus plantarum CP193 was significantly increased during fermentation of Starch-Soybean meal medium.(Lactobacillus plantarum CP193菌株在淀粉-大豆饲料培养基中发酵时,异戊二糖酶活性显著增加。)

2. There is a high demand for isoamylase in the food industry to improve the texture and stability of products such as sauces and soups.(食品工业对异戊二糖酶有很高的需求,以改善酱料和汤类等产品的质地和稳定性。)

3. Isoamylase breaks down α-1,6-glycosidic bonds in amylopectin and releases glucose molecules.(异戊二糖酶可以分解淀粉质中的α-1,6-糖苷键,并释放出葡萄糖分子。)

4. Isoamylase activity in malted barley is important for brewing beer.(麦芽大麦中的异戊二糖酶活性对酿造啤酒非常重要。)

5. The isoamylase gene from Bacillus sp. TS-23 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli.(来自Bacillus sp.TS-23的异戊二糖酶基因已在大肠杆菌中进行克隆和表达。)

6. The effect of pH and temperature on isoamylase activity was investigated in this study.(本研究探究了pH值和温度对异戊二糖酶活性的影响。)

7. Isoamylase can also be used to produce high-quality resistant maltodextrin as a prebiotic.(异戊二糖酶也可以用于生产高质量的抗性麦芽糊精,作为益生元使用。)

8. The isoamylase produced by Aspergillus oryzae was purified and characterized in this study.(本研究对由米曲霉产生的异戊二糖酶进行了纯化和性质鉴定。)

9. Isoamylase activity of Bacillus sp. SK-1 was found to be optimal at pH 6.5 and 60°C.(发现Bacillus sp. SK-1的异戊二糖酶活性在pH值为6.5和温度为60°C时最优。)