selfsimilar是什么意思 selfsimilar的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:- You did it in self-defense. (That picture — – You did it in self -defense.)
例句:Sucre just sent a text. He’s found Gretchen and Self. (Sucre刚刚发了条短信 他发现Gretchen和Self)
1. We don’t shank each other, we form self-help groups. (翻译:we form self -help groups.)
2. Memory Function and Fractional Intergral Associated to the Random Self-similar Fractal (翻译:相应于随机自相似分形的记忆函数和分数次积分)
3. The heat signature is remarkably similar. (翻译:热能特征近似 都是3000摄氏度 The heat signature is remarkably similar.)
4. No, but Self and Gretchen do. Good. (翻译:不知道 但是Self和Gretchen知道)
5. Sacrifice the self to serve the many. (翻译:Sacrifice the self to serve the many.)
6. Your moment of self-reflection, (翻译:回忆过去 感慨万千 your moment of self -reflection,)
7. Love a lot, sleep around or is that my other self? (翻译:/Love a lot, sleep around /or is that my other self?)
8. Just like her father, she too is self made. (翻译:she too is self made.)
9. -On the self, with your books. (翻译:-Where did you put that parcel? -On the self, with your books.)
10. evolution,humanity,personal growth,science,self (翻译:evolution,humanity,personal growth,science,self)
11. brain,consciousness,neuroscience,science,self (翻译:brain,consciousness,neuroscience,science,self)
12. And finally, the fractals have self-similarity — so they’re similar to themselves, but they’re not necessarily similar to each other — you see very different uses for fractals. (翻译:最后一点,分形是具有自我相似性的— 可是它们只需自我相似,互相之间却未必是相似的— 对于分形的不同应用有很多种,)
13. behavioral economics,business,culture,economics,finance,self (翻译:behavioral economics,business,culture,economics,finance,self)
14. Similar suit to what you were wearing, (翻译:穿着和当时一样的衣服 Similar suit to what you were wearing,)
15. culture,gender,self,social change,women (翻译:culture,gender,self,social change,women)