






eligible bachelor───n.黄金单身汉

bachelor apartment───单身套房;单身公寓房;n.单身公寓

bachelor nation───单身汉国家

bachelor reddit───单身汉雷迪特

bachelor definition───学士定义

bachelor party───n.单身男子派对;(美)单身汉舞会(尤指婚礼前夕为新郎举行的)

bachelor degree───学士学位;大学本科学位证书

bachelor in paradise───天堂单身汉

bachelor matt james───单身汉马特·詹姆斯


Believe it or not, he is still a bachelor.───信不信由你,他还是个单身汉。

He is an eligible bachelor in this city.───他是这个城市里的黄金单身汉。

He’s the most eligible bachelor in Japan.───他是日本最令人中意的单身汉。

Education: Bachelor degree or above, the relevant professional school, the project is at least one year experience in gymnastics.───学历:本科以上,相关专业毕业,至少二年的房地产项目实操经验。

More applicants had over 20 years of experience and most had a bachelor‘s degree, though a quarter said they had earned a master’s as well.───多数求职者均拥有20年以上工作经验,而且大部分都获得了学士学位,其中约四分之一自称持有硕士学位。

No possibility at all , you would be able to take a bachelor‘s degree within a year .───你不可能在一年之内获得学士学位。

Feel like the absence of a bachelor‘s degree on your resume is forcing you to settle for a second-rate job?───感到履历里没有学士学位迫使你满足于一份二流工作?

Must possess at least a bachelor‘s degree, along with years of experience within the industry. Experience in fashion retail is preferred.───具学士学位且须在相关领域有多年经验,有时装零售背景者尤佳。

Although his mother had made great efforts to persuade him not cancell his wedding, he insisted to be a bachelor for a life-time.───尽管他妈妈竭力劝说他不要取消婚礼,他还是固执地坚持要一辈子独身。


He’s a confirmed bachelor.