


    luxury goods


    奢侈品───luxury goods


    Coming soon : eLuxury , LVMH’s luxury – goods portal, set to launch this month.───路易威登的奢侈品门户网站 eLuxury 本月即将推出.

    Luxury goods, recreation and leisure are all likely to see sharp growth.───奢侈品 、 休闲娱乐也将大幅增长.

    Have you purchase any counterfeit luxury goods before?───请问你有否购买冒牌奢侈商品的经验?

    Demand luxury goods has bounced back strongly this year.───奢侈品需求今年强劲反弹.

    South Korea accounts for about 4 % of global spending on luxury goods.───在全球奢侈品消费总额中,韩国人贡献了大约4%.

    A strong interest in brands, especially in luxury goods is required.───对品牌有浓厚的兴趣, 尤其是奢侈品.

    Currently many wealthy Chinese consumers make luxury goods purchases abroad in duty – free regions such as Hong – Kong.───目前,很多中国富有的消费者在诸如香港等海外 免税 区购置奢侈品.

    In the world of capuchins, grapes are luxury goods and much preferable to cucumbers.───在卷尾猴的世界里, 葡萄是奢侈品(比黄瓜受欢迎得多).

    My relatives and friends think that I should buy counterfeit luxury goods.───我的亲属和朋友都认为我是应该购买冒牌奢侈商品的.

    Love is placed in high – priced luxury goods within the window.───爱情是摆在高价橱窗内的奢侈品.


    IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists.

    The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country’s prosperity.

    Yet the Japanese market for luxury goods was souring.

    Most luxury goods firms have been hit by the recession, but Burberry took swift action to cut costs and jobs.

    The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index for the country’s prosperity.

    The web site of Classical Luxury Goods will hold our inner logos, extend advantage of our brand, exert ourselves build consumption of luxury and cultural ministrant platform.

    The strongest geographical region for luxury goods and services will again be Asia, which is expected to grow by 16 percent, and Latin America, with 10 percent growth predicted.

    Buying luxury goods, conversely, tends to be an endless cycle of one-upmanship, in which the neighbors have a fancy new car and — bingo! — now you want one, too, scholars say.

    Brand value in the cost of luxury goods has become an important one, and raw material and processing costs were relatively low taxes and tax rates are also part of the price.