
barman是什么意思 barman的读音、翻译、用法



1. The barman served me a cold beer.(调酒师为我倒了一杯冰镇啤酒。)

2. The barman recommended a special tail to me.(调酒师向我推荐了一种特别的鸡尾酒。)

3. The barman mixed the ingredients skillfully.(调酒师熟练地将材料混合在一起。)

4. The barman shook the tail with ice cubes.(调酒师用冰块摇动鸡尾酒。)

5. The barman garnished the drink with a slice of lime.(调酒师在饮料上点缀了一片青柠。)

6. The barman poured the wine into the gl carefully.(调酒师小心地将酒倒进杯子里。)

7. The barman served the guests with a smile.(调酒师面带微笑地为客人服务。)

8. The barman suggested a non-alcoholic drink to the designated driver.(调酒师向代驾司机建议了一种无酒精饮料。)

9. The barman recommended a whiskey to the gentleman.(调酒师向先生推荐了一款威士忌。)