
occipital craniopagus是什么意思 occipital craniopagus的中文翻译、读音、例句

occipital craniopagus在英语中代表”颅枕联胎”的意思,在英美地区还有”颅枕联胎”的意思,读音为[occipitalcraniopagus],occipital craniopagus是一个英语名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到91个与occipital craniopagus相关的句子。

Occipital craniopagus的中文翻译


例句:Tissue, Cytoplasmic Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Brain, Occipital Lobe. (组织,细胞质蛋白,人正常胚胎,脑,顶叶。)


occipital craniopagus一般作为名词使用,如在parietal craniopagus(颅顶联胎)、occipital(枕骨的 )、lateral occipital(后头侧骨)等常见短语中出现较多。

parietal craniopagus 颅顶联胎
occipital 枕骨的
lateral occipital 后头侧骨
occipital anchorage [医] 枕锚基, 枕安抗
occipital angle [医] 枕角, 多邦通氏角
occipital aphasia [医] 枕叶性失语(失语伴有失读及失用)
occipital approach 枕部入路
occipital arc [医] 枕弓
occipital arch 【无脊椎动物学】后头弓


1. Regions included frontal lobe, temporal lobe, sub-occipital lobe, insula, and cingulum cortex. (翻译:这些减低区主要有额叶、颞叶、顶下小叶,岛叶,扣带回皮质等; )

2. Objective To study the characteristics of the labor course and perinatal prognosis of fetal persistent occipital posterior position (POPP). (翻译:目的探讨胎儿持续性枕后位的相关因素、产程特点及分娩预后。)

3. Tubby body obesity, forehead, head cephalic, occipital and Yuhina are black, about 60 centimeters Yuhina. (翻译:体形短粗肥胖,前额、头顶、头侧、枕部和冠羽均为黑色,冠羽长约60厘米。)

4. We need to get him prepped for sub-occipital craniotomy. (翻译:我们要给他准备枕下开颅手术 We need to get him prepped for sub -occipital craniotomy.)

5. The large skull had an extended occipital bone and large sagittal crest that contained a tiny brain. (翻译:大的头颅骨有特长的枕骨及大的矢状嵴,但脑部细小。)

6. Bullet entered the skull half an inch above the left point of the supra-orbital ridge and went on its merry way, to exit at about the median point of the left parietal-occipital suture line. (翻译:从脑壳上方半英吋… 眉骨摄入… 射出点在中部)

7. On the contrary, they are not developed on the cranial endocast of the polar bear, but the blood vessel impressions are developed on the lateral occipital sides in the polar bears. (翻译:相反,北极熊的大喻沟回在脑窝内模上留下的印痕不明显,而血管印痕在脑窝枕区的两侧很明显。)

8. Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Brain, Occipital Lobe. (翻译:组织,膜蛋白,人正常胚胎,脑,顶叶。)

9. Uh, it accurately penetrated the area between the occipital bone and the C1, with a downward angle. (翻译:非常精确地穿透了枕骨 与第1颈椎之间缝隙)

10. Objective: To determine the relationship between atlanto odontoid degeneration and cervico occipital pain. (翻译:目的:确定寰齿关节退行性改变与枕颈痛的关系。)

11. Initial work-up included a CT demonstrating a medial left occipital infarct involving the left side of the splenium of the corpus callosum. (翻译:初始检查CT示左枕叶及中度梗塞并累及左侧胼胝体压部。)

12. Results: The JF located between the petrosal bone and occipital bone and each side had one . (翻译:结果JF位于颅底枕髁的前外侧和岩骨的后内侧,左右各一。)

13. Some veins of the basal veins, the internal occipital veins and the precentral cerebellar veins were very wide. (翻译:部分基底静脉、枕内静脉、小脑中央前静脉非常粗大。)

14. CT: Unenhanced CT of the head in brain and bone windows demonstrate gyriform cortical calcifications along the left occipital lobe. (翻译:颅脑CT平扫的脑窗及骨窗示左枕叶皮层可见脑回样钙化。)

15. The largest cortical artery is the temporo-occipital artery. (翻译:最大的皮质动脉是颞枕动脉。)