Tongjiang是什么意思 Tongjiang的读音、翻译、用法
1. 我们在同江市的一个小镇上住了一晚。- We stayed in a small town in Tongjiang for one night.
2. 同江河从黑龙江流经该地区。- The Tongjiang River flows through the region from the Heilongjiang River.
3. 我们的旅游团在同江市参观了一座古老的城堡。- Our tour group visited an old castle in Tongjiang City.
4. 同江市有一个著名的火车站,每天有很多人来往。- Tongjiang City has a famous train station that sees a lot of traffic every day.
5. 沿着同江河散步是很放松的一件事。- Taking a stroll along the Tongjiang River is quite relaxing.
6. 这个地区的人们主要靠渔业生活,同江河是他们的主要渔场。- The people in this region mainly make a living from fishing, and the Tongjiang River is their primary fishing ground.
7. 我们在同江的一个餐厅里尝了当地的美食,味道很不错。- We tried some local cuisine in a restaurant in Tongjiang and it tasted really good.
8. 同江城墙是该城最著名的景点之一。- The Tongjiang City Wall is one of the most famous attractions in the city.
9. 同江是一个历史悠久的城市,有很多古代文物和建筑。- Tongjiang is a city with a long history and has a lot of ancient artifacts and architecture.