
Chalcodermus aeneus是什么意思 Chalcodermus aeneus的读音、翻译、用法

‘Chalcodermus aeneus’是拉丁语,意为青铜光皮甲虫。它是一种常见的金属光泽甲虫,身体呈金属光泽的青铜色,常见于中南美洲和加勒比海地区的热带雨林中。它是一种典型的飞行甲虫,常活动于白天,在花朵上采食花蜜。下面是9个含有此词语的例句:

1. Chalcodermus aeneus是一种美丽的金属光泽甲虫。

Chalcodermus aeneus is a beautiful metallic beetle.

2. 这里有许多Chalcodermus aeneus飞行在花丛中采食。

Many Chalcodermus aeneus are flying around feeding on flowers here.

3. 这个地区的雨林中很容易找到Chalcodermus aeneus。

Chalcodermus aeneus is easy to find in the rainforest of this region.

4. Chalcodermus aeneus常常被认为是绿宝石一样的昆虫。

Chalcodermus aeneus is often referred to as an emerald-like insect.

5. 在热带雨林中,Chalcodermus aeneus是常见的花蜜采食者。

In tropical rainforests, Chalcodermus aeneus is a common flower nectar feeder.

6. 这里的Chalcodermus aeneus体型较大,颜色也更加深沉。

Chalcodermus aeneus here are larger in size and darker in color.

7. 他们研究Chalcodermus aeneus的生态特征和行为习惯。

They study the ecological features and behavioral habits of Chalcodermus aeneus.

8. 这种金属光泽的Chalcodermus aeneus被人们广泛收藏。

This metallic Chalcodermus aeneus is widely collected by people.

9. Chalcodermus aeneus常常被用来制作珠宝和装饰。

Chalcodermus aeneus is often used for jewelry and decoration.