
Pyrus melanocarpa是什么意思 Pyrus melanocarpa的读音、翻译、用法

‘Pyrus melanocarpa’是英语词语,意为黑果梨。这是一种果树,主要分布在北美洲和亚洲。它的果实呈球形或椭圆形,直径约为1-2厘米,表面光滑,颜色从黑色到暗紫色不等,果肉呈白色或浅。果实富含抗氧化物质和维生素C,有一定的药用价值。它在食品加工、烹饪和药用方面均有广泛应用。

以下是9个含有’Pyrus melanocarpa’的例句:

1. The juice of Pyrus melanocarpa is used as a natural food coloring agent in the production of candies and cakes. (Pyrus melanocarpa的果汁被用作天然食品着色剂,用于糖果和蛋糕的生产。)

2. Black fruit pear, or Pyrus melanocarpa, is a popular ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine for its theutic properties. (黑果梨或Pyrus melanocarpa因其治疗功效而成为传统中药中流行的成分。)

3. The bark of Pyrus melanocarpa can be used to treat diarrhea and dysentery in humans and animals. (Pyrus melanocarpa的树皮可用于治疗人和动物的腹泻和痢疾。)

4. The dried fruits of Pyrus melanocarpa are often used in herbal teas for their antioxidant properties. (Pyrus melanocarpa的干果常被用作草药茶的成分,因其抗氧化特性。)

5. Pyrus melanocarpa is a cold-hardy fruit tree that can tolerate temperatures as low as -40℃. (Pyrus melanocarpa是一种耐寒的果树,可承受低至-40℃的温度。)

6. The leaves of Pyrus melanocarpa contain compounds that have been shown to have potential anti-cancer effects. (Pyrus melanocarpa的叶子含有的化合物已被证明具有潜在的抗癌作用。)

7. Pyrus melanocarpa is a valuable genetic resource for breeding new pear varieties with improved fruit quality and disease resistance. (Pyrus melanocarpa是育种新梨品种、改善果实品质和抗病能力的宝贵基因资源。)

8. Chinese herbalists often use Pyrus melanocarpa to treat liver and kidney diseases. (中草药师经常使用Pyrus melanocarpa治疗肝脏和肾脏疾病。)

9. Pyrus melanocarpa is sometimes called “wild pear” because it can be found growing in the wild in many parts of the world. (Pyrus melanocarpa有时被称为“野生梨”,因为它可以在世界许多地方的野外生长。)