nonpolarizing是什么意思 nonpolarizing的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore! (Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore!)
例句:- No, Babou, this is important. (不 巴布 这很重要 Non, Babou.)
1. – No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
2. It belongs to a defunct non-profit (翻译:It belongs to a defunct non -profit)
3. This little redheaded, non-fangy little guy? (翻译:Oh. This little redheaded, non -fangy little guy?)
4. These measures cannot be taken with non people. (翻译:这些措施得有人手才行 These measures cannot be taken with non people.)
5. She is beautiful, isn’t she? (翻译:很美的名字 对吧 Jolie, non?)
6. No, I do not understand. Not really. (翻译:我真不懂 Non, je comprends pas, vraiment.)
7. Get a non-profit to sponsor a vacation. (翻译:找个非营利组织赞助这次旅行 Get a non -profit to sponsor a vacation.)
8. He doesn’t even have a rocket. (翻译:也没火箭 …Non ha almeno razzo.)
9. It worked, didn’t it? I did it! (翻译:起作用了 不是吗 Ça a marché, non?)
10. Not the hay! What magic is this? (翻译:不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)
11. No, Anna, he do not like it. (翻译:安娜 他们不喜欢 Non, Anna, ça leur a pas plu.)
12. Oggi e molto umido, non e vero? (翻译:Oggi e molto umido, non e vero?)
13. It was one of the stranger news stories in a long time – and one of the most polarizing. (翻译:这是长段时间以来最奇异也是看法两极分化最大的新闻之一。)
14. But no, in no case, not like Hitler. (翻译:当然不是 不是的名字 Ah non, justement, pas comme Hitler.)
15. He has no wings or missiles. (翻译:他没有翅膀,没有 …non ha le ali, non ha missili…)