
Hyposoter是什么意思 Hyposoter的读音、翻译、用法




1. Hyposoter exiguae parasitizes the larvae of Spodoptera litura, which is a major pest of many crops.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter exiguae寄生于人类重要作物的主要害虫小菜蛾幼虫体内)

2. Hyposoter didymator is a parasitoid attacking the larvae of the diamondback moth.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter didymator是攻击菜青虫幼虫的寄生虫)

3. The wasp Hyposoter horticola is an efficient natural enemy of the beet armyworm.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter horticola是菜粉蝶的高效天敌)

4. Hyposoter congolensis is a parasitoid attacking the larvae of the cocoa pod borer.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter congolensis是攻击可可果蠹幼虫的寄生虫)

5. The parasitoid wasp Hyposoter annulipes is a biological control agent against the tomato fruitworm.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter annulipes是对番茄斜纹夜蛾进行生物防治的天敌)

6. Hyposoter kahawaluokalani is a parasitoid wasp attacking the coffee berry borer in Hawaii.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter kahawaluokalani是在夏威夷攻击咖啡果蠹的寄生虫)

7. The parasitoid Hyposoter erythrinae is effective in controlling the erythrina moth in the Pacific Islands.(寄生虫Hyposoter erythrinae对太平洋群岛的红豆树天蛾有很好的生物防治效果)

8. Hyposoter didymator is a solitary endoparasitoid of the cabbage erfly.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter didymator是卷心菜白蝶的孤独内寄生虫)

9. Hyposoter minetus is an endoparasitoid of the sugar cane borer.(下寄生蜂Hyposoter minetus是甘蔗螟虫的内寄生虫)