mitral p wave是什么意思 mitral p wave的中文翻译、读音、例句
mitral p wave通常被翻译为”波”的意思,还经常被翻译为二尖瓣型,发音是[mitralpwave],mitral p wave来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到19个与mitral p wave相关的例句。
Mitral P wave的词典翻译
例句:[M] Every wave that breaks [M] (*每一股浪花* *Every wave that breaks*)
例句:In vitro accelerative fatigue test of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene mitral valve prothesis (膨体聚四氟乙烯人工二尖瓣的体外加速疲劳实验)
mitral p wave一般作为名词使用,如在mitral P wave(二尖瓣型P波)、P wave([医] P波(心电图))、mitral(二尖瓣的 )等常见短语中出现较多。
mitral P wave | 二尖瓣型P波 |
P wave | [医] P波(心电图) |
mitral | 二尖瓣的 |
pulmonary P wave | 肺型P波 |
p to p | 由极大到极小 |
mitral accentuated | [医] 二尖瓣杂音 |
mitral annulus | 僧帽瓣环 |
mitral apparatus | 二尖瓣器 |
mitral area | [医] 二尖瓣区 |
mitral atresia | 二尖瓣闭锁 |
1. Autumn even wave, the wave Hanyan Cui. (翻译:秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。)
2. Is that what they wave at concerts? (翻译:Is that what they wave at concerts? 难道荧光棒就是用这个做的)
3. Chronic Sheep Model for Domestic Bileaflet Mitral Valves (翻译:国产双叶二尖瓣植入绵羊体内的慢性实验研究)
4. Aim To observe the changes of P100 wave in F-VEP in acute methylismus. (翻译:目的探讨急性甲醇中毒患者F—VEP的P100波形的变化。)
5. Now, if you’re a P-2 or a P-3, you can still get a spot… in sections that are available, so do your best. (翻译:现在,假如你是P -2或者P -3的 你仍有机会…)
6. Conclusions PBMV is an effective treatment for rheumatic mitral valve stenosis. (翻译:结论PB MV是治疗风湿性二尖瓣狭窄的有效方法。)
7. Mild mitral regurgitation. (翻译:二尖瓣轻度反流。)
8. p provides the PID. (翻译:p 提供 PID。)
9. It’s Poppy’s favorite, it’s P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- (翻译:这是我最喜欢的水果, 水果丕丕… …)
10. Okay, everybody give me a smile and wave. (翻译:好,大家微笑挥手看看。Okay, everybody give me a smile and wave.)
11. Bend from above and always wear your gloves, and wave. (翻译:Bend from above and always wear your gloves,and wave 招手时还要记得戴手套)
12. Field surveys of the shallow refraction and microlog for both P-wave and S-wave have been made simultaneously in a work area. (翻译:在一个工区同时开展了浅层纵横波折射、纵横波微测井的野外勘探,并取得较为丰富的野外资料以及处理和解释成果。)
13. They know another wave is coming. (翻译:他们也知道另一股敌人要来了 They know another wave is coming.)
14. In the 3rd Wave, the Others modified it. (翻译:在第三波中 异体加以改造 In the 3rd Wave, the Others modified it.)
15. Second wave just dropped out. (翻译:第二波敌人来了 他们就在路上 Second wave just dropped out.)