
the descent信息详情

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descent───vt.除去…的气味;使…失去香味;n.下降;血统;袭击;n.下降; 斜坡; 恶化,沦落; 血统

descent meaning───血统意义

descent definition───下降定义

gradient descent───[数]梯度下降

descent into───陷入……中

steepest descent───最陡下降;最速下降

descent movie───世系电影

amnesia the dark descent───遗忘症

descent with modification───经过改变的继承


Many years later, he published his other great work, The Descent of Man.───许多年后,他出版了另一部名著《人类的演化》。

But in the case of balloons, the descent sometimes comes sooner than expected.───但是就热气球来说,有时候它下降时比预想要来的快。

descent simulation ends.───模拟降落结束。

The descent into insolvency was directed by the Bank of Japan and enabled by bond buyers themselves.───一步步滑向破产的边缘,恰是日本银行主导、债券投资者自己推动的。

In the Descent of Man, Darwin attempted to explain this kind of ethical consciousness of the conscience in terms of naturalism completely.───在《人类的由来》中,达尔文试图彻底地从自然主义的角度对良心这种道德意识进行阐释。

At the time of the descent, the two co-pilots and captain were in the aircraft cockpit.───飞机下落时,两名副驾驶员和机长都在飞机驾驶舱内。

If you start the descent with the tandem and accelerate with it, you can get up to some pretty incredible speeds.───如果你在车队中加速下降,你可以到达一个难以置信的快速。

The covers had been removed for Christmas. The pictures "The Elevation of the Cross" and "The Descent from the Cross" were seen.───遮住画的帷幔因为圣诞节已被取下,现出『基督受难图』和『基督下十字架』两幅画。

The opposite bank was low and fertile; offered a sure retreat, and a favourable place for the descent.───对岸的地势较低,土壤肥沃,那里有可以躲藏的地方,而且降落也很方便。


Her hands and face were skinned from the descent, the gravel sticking to the skin and stinging.

The descent of the footpath starts in easy fashion.

The descent of the footpath to Bauen starts in easy fashion but becomes quite steep.

The descent to Base Camp took about two days.

The descent engine occupied the centre section, with the propellant tanks arranged symmetrically round the outside to balance the weight distribution.

The descent through the forest is best glossed over.

Chris Bonington also broke ribs during the descent.

The descent of the mountain took two hours.

The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours.