
parietal branch是什么意思 parietal branch的中文翻译、读音、例句

parietal branch通常被翻译为”顶叶支”的意思,在日常中也代表”顶叶支”的意思,在线发音:[parietalbranch],parietal branch来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到47个与parietal branch相关的句子。

Parietal branch的翻译


例句:Commander Forest of Special Branch. (特工处的福雷队长 Commander Forest of Special Branch.)


parietal branch一般作为名词使用,如在parietal(腔壁的 )、in branch(入支路)、parietal abscess([医] 牙周脓肿)等常见短语中出现较多。

parietal 腔壁的
in branch 入支路
parietal abscess [医] 牙周脓肿
parietal angle [医] 顶角
parietal approach 顶部入路
parietal arc [医] 顶弓, 冠矢弓
parietal area [医] 顶区
parietal artery 体壁动脉
parietal band 壁束


1. The only late comer was Yellow Hat branch, that was the branch of Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. (翻译:只有已故的后起之秀是黄河红帽科的,这是科对和。)

2. Special Branch have found your name on a death list. (翻译:特工处发现您上了死亡名单 Special Branch have found your name on a death list.)

3. Wrong branch of government. (翻译:你找错了机构 Wrong branch of government.)

4. Gastric parietal cells are born close to the opening of the fundic gland and then migrate towards the bottom. (翻译:胃壁细胞出生于胃底腺的开端处,然后转移到底部。)

5. Pericarditis is an inflammatory process involving the parietal and visceral layers. (翻译:心包炎是一种累及壁层和内脏层的炎症过程。)

6. Gross examination of the cranium; extensive bruising in the left parietal region, a knife wound. (翻译:头颅检查结果 上颌骨和额骨受过冷兵器的重伤…)

7. Gynaecology is a branch of medicine. (翻译:妇科学是医学的一个分科。)

8. They’re opening a branch there. (翻译:- 噢… – 他们要在那边开办一个分部)

9. Looks like something caught in the branch. (翻译:看起来像是被夹在树枝里 Looks like something caught in the branch.)

10. What are you, Special Branch? (翻译:你是什么人 保安处? 国家利益 不列颠治下和平 等等 你是什么人 保安处?)

11. An open fracture to the right parietal bone just above the squamosal suture. (翻译:鳞状骨缝连结处上方的颅顶骨右部 有一处开放性骨折)

12. Special Branch is withdrawing your protection. (翻译:特工处刚通知 将撤回对您的保护 Special Branch is withdrawing your protection.)

13. Among three consecutive cuboidal cells of the parietal pericardium seems to exist a pore. (翻译:心包膜壁层相邻的三个立方上皮细胞之间,存在较大的孔隙。)

14. Pick a branch heuristic. (翻译:选择启发式分支。)

15. The monkey leaps from branch to branch. (翻译:那猴子在树枝间跳来跳去。)