





ghost riders in the sky───天空中的幽灵骑士

estancia lapacho───拉帕乔

ride a house───骑着房子

first school education───第一学校教育

off broadway shoes───非百老汇鞋款

houston rockets───休士顿火箭队(NBA篮球队);[体]休斯敦火箭队

CelI phone───塞利电话

so short───这么短

gunshot wounds───火器伤;枪伤

anchoring epoxy───锚固环氧树脂


Iron hoes, which made the land more productive, and iron weapons, which made the warrior more powerful, had symbolic meaning in a number of West Africa societies.───铁制锄头使土地更高产,铁制武器使战士更强大,它们在许多非洲西部的部落中都拥有象征性意义。

They set out, shouldering spades and hoes.───他们扛起铁锹和锄头就出发了。

Every day he hoes her small flower garden.───他每天都在小花园里锄地。

Most of the artifacts discovered at Hemudu consist of animal bones, exemplified by hoes made of shoulder bones used for cultivating rice.───大部分文物发现河姆渡包括兽骨,体现锄头肩部骨骼制成的用于种植水稻。

He blows us all over these hoes is all on him. Coast to coast shows, he’s known as the globetrotter.───他让我们所有人都大吃一惊,他的身边都是妓女。从一个海岸到另一个海岸的演出,他被称为观光旅行家。

Fanning Expansion of an offset press sheet across the back edge as it hoes through the press impression .───扇形张开柯氏印刷的纸张,经过压印后,值位向左右伸长的情况。

With hoes and axes, they crafted flat, wide terraces and a simple water-management system that would keep valuable topsoil in place.───手拿锄头和斧子,他们精心的建造出自己的平地,梯田,和简单的水处理系统,这样可以保持住最肥沃的表层土不要流失。

The oet’ toe get out of hi hoes. Here here are zeros.───诗人的脚列车马上就要开车了趾露出了鞋子。在这里英雄无足轻重。

At everyone the shoes mile, certainly have a pair of sizes to be unsuited to hoes.───在每个人旳鞋柜里,一定会有一双尺寸不合旳鞋子。


The hoes and rakes are still there, leaning against the wall, useless.

And the farmers , returning with hoes on their shoulders , Hail one another familiarly.

The maximum pressure the hoes should be subjected to during proof pressure or system testing.

Their time is constantly spent in tilling the soil, manuring it with ashes, raking and hoeing it with wooden hoes.

Every day, he hoes her small flower garden.

We specialize in making all kinds of saw blade and smooth-edged sickles, garden spades, gatdenflower spades, levelling hoes and hard spade, etc.

With little formality, they lined up, hoes slung over their shoulders, and invited me to preserve the memory on my $15 point-and-shoot camera.

When cultivation is done with mattocks and hoes women do it; when a tractor comes along, men drive it.

Learn about gardening with hoes from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.