
Union Sudafricana是什么意思 Union Sudafricana的读音、翻译、用法

‘Union Sudafricana’是南非荷兰语的说法,意为“南非联邦”。在南非历史上,xx年至xx年间,南非是一个由四个省份组成的联邦制国家,因此称为“南非联邦”或“Union Sudafricana”。

以下是含有“Union Sudafricana”的9个例句:

1. In 1910, the four British colonies of Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, and Orange River Colony united to create the Union Sudafricana.(xx年,开普殖民地、纳塔尔、特兰斯瓦尔和橙河殖民地这四个英国殖民地联合起来,创建了南非联邦。)

2. 从xx年到xx年,南非是Union Sudafricana这个国家的一部分。(From 1910 to 1961, South Africa was a part of the country called Union Sudafricana.)

3. 南非的历史可以追溯到Union Sudafricana成立之前的年代。(South Africa’s history can be traced back to the years before the formation of Union Sudafricana.)

4. 许多南非人对于Union Sudafricana的历史感到自豪。(Many South Africans take pride in the history of Union Sudafricana.)

5. Union Sudafricana在xx年废除了君主制,成为了共和国。(Union Sudafricana abolished the monarchy and became a republic in 1961.)

6. 在Union Sudafricana时期,种族隔离政策导致了种族间的紧张关系。(During the era of Union Sudafricana, apartheid policies led to tense relationships between different racial groups.)

7. 南非的宪法在Union Sudafricana时期进行了多次修改。(South Africa’s constitution was amended several times during the era of Union Sudafricana.)

8. 在Union Sudafricana时期,国家发生了许多变化。(There were many political changes in the country during the era of Union Sudafricana.)

9. Union Sudafricana的解体为南非的历史带来了新的一页。(The dissolution of Union Sudafricana marked a new chapter in the history of South Africa.)