
Hieroxestidae是什么意思 Hieroxestidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. Hieroxestidaeは、南米とオーストラリアの熱帯および亜熱帯地域に広く分布する鞘翅目の昆虫科です。(日语,Hieroxestidae is a family of beetles in the order Coleoptera, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of South America and Australia.)

2. Hieroxestidae是一类体形独特的昆虫,它们拥有狭窄而长的身体,头部和前呈楔形。(中文,Hieroxestidae is a group of insects with unique body shape, having a narrow and elongate body with the head and prothorax wedge-shaped.)

3. Hieroxestidaeは、大きな外骨格と強い口器を持ち、広範な食物を消化することができます。(日语,Hieroxestidae has a large exoskeleton and strong mandibles, and can digest a wide range of food.)

4. 该研究的目的是收集和描述Hieroxestidae的物种多样性和生态学特征。(中文,The objective of the study is to collect and describe the species diversity and ecological characteristics of Hieroxestidae.)

5. Hieroxestidae包括多个物种,它们在不同的环境中有不同的适应性和生态学行为。(中文,Hieroxestidae includes multiple species with different adaptability and ecological behaviors in different environments.)

6. Hieroxestidae属于鞘翅目的一种,它们在南美洲的森林和澳大利亚的草原中广泛分布。(中文,Hieroxestidae belongs to a family of beetles in the order Coleoptera, widely distributed in forests of South America and grlands of Australia.)

7. Hieroxestidae的分类学地位一直存在争议,目前仍有一些研究在探讨它们与其他昆虫类群的亲缘关系。(中文,The taxonomic status of Hieroxestidae has been controversial, and there are still studies exploring their phylogenetic relationships with other insect groups.)

8. Hieroxestidae的幼虫通常在树干和树根中寄生,它们在寄主植物中挖掘通道进行捕食和生长。(中文,The larvae of Hieroxestidae usually parasitize in tree trunks and roots, excavating tunnels in the host plant for feeding and growth.)

9. 这个物种群体的遗传基础是Hieroxestidae研究的又一个重要方面,可以揭示它们的种群结构和演化历史。(中文,The genetic basis of this species population is another important aspect of Hieroxestidae research, which can reveal their population structure and evolutionary history.)